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Those NRA guys sure are swell

Posted: Jun 18, 2015

NRA board member Charles Cotton blamed a victim of the shooting at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church for his own death and the deaths of the other eight people killed.

This is the mindset of the NRA. One wonders why they haven't been named a hate group themselves.



I knew even before I read the article that he'd - say the victims shouldve had guns.

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Right when you think the NRA can't get any crazier, they do.

Surprisinglly, some of the most reasoned comments came - from Kweisi Mfume on Fox. He said

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the issue wasn’t about guns or race whether it was SC or Baltimore. It was about the evil that makes a person take a life.

I saw this and appreciate his directness minus the focus - on other things (turning a

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tragedy into a political agenda).

There is evil in the world. You could drive a car into a crowd of people and kill.

The NRA is overly fond of victim-blaming. Except Chris Kyle, of course, who died by gunshot - despite his guns. However...Julia Sugarbaker

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As I've said before, there's a difference between protecting civil liberties and promoting them - and the NRA definitely promotes guns and lobbys Washington on their behalf.

Now, having said that, consider this scenario:

It's April 15, 2013, in Boston. Some little misguided punk and his brother become dangerous and bomb the marathon, killing an MIT cop, 3 spectators and injuring 264 others, disabling many of them permanently. Little big man is on the loose in the Boston suburbs.

I wonder if that kid would've dared trying to go and hide in somebody's boat in their back yard in states like Texas or the state where I live?

Probably not.

Because it's well known that people here are always packing.

Nothing against the people of Boston, but people here wouldn't have sat quietly on lockdown like sitting ducks, prisoners inside their own homes, waiting for police to come save them.

Here, entire families would have been standing out in their yards, with several 12-gauge shotguns pointed from each yard in the neighborhood, before he ever hit the property line, saying:

"Dare you to run over here in MY yard, ya little coward. And when you DO get on MY property, you got 3 seconds to put your hands on your head, turn right around, and march your confused, sorry little butt right over to the FBI to turn yourself in for trial, with us right behind you. It's either that that or see all these shotguns pointed at you from my family and my neighbors? THEY'RE your new jury, and they gonna pronounce quick and certain sentence on ya, for being a dangerous fugitive on our property, your choice - you got 3 seconds."

You may not agree and this comment may not be popular, but the fact is, just like people owning security systems deter crime somewhat, your property is even less likely to be broken into if it's well known there are EXTRA forms of security and self-protection that don't just sound alarms and dial 911 and wait for help and rescue.

Agreed 100% - nana7

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I have never liked guns and never wanted to own one. But my way of thinking is changing.

Where I live 2 weeks ago a single mother was in bed sleeping and 3 thugs were breaking in her house. She screamed that she had a gun and they continued to break in. So she shot all 3 of them. She got shot in the leg and if it weren't for the fact she had a gun her and her kids would probably be dead because the thugs had guns. This lady had a permit to carry her gun and she was on the news encouraging everyone to get a permit.

I am seriously thinking about going to a gun range and learning how to use a gun and maybe they can help me get over my fear of guns.

But in this day and age and crime going up everywhere, coruption of cops, response times to long, I think it is time we start to protect ourselves.

I've always said I'll get rid of my guns if I can be assured - that all criminals don't have guns,

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which of course is impossible; drug cartels, terrorist, etc.

Example is very clear--but a very dangerous - position to be judge and jury

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Many cases would not be so seemingly clear.

That said, the police aren't offering much more lately are they, well, at least if you are of color, shoot first, try later (If you are alive still).

It has not been lost on ME that they managed to arrest this armed kid, who had 2 lethal weapons, (car and gun), who had just killed 9 people for show, but his own admission, having left a witness to recount the story. They would have known he was crazy. Why did they not fear for their lives...you know, how they do with those unarmed African Americans, that just look crazy. Nope, they brought him in alive, didn't even seem to have a bruise...he did, however, seem to have a smirk.

The Texas-style bravado is going to bite them hard one of these days, I just hope the right people get punished in the end.

True. But my point is there are too many gray areas for abolition OR little/no restriction - middle ground needed~Julia Sugarbaker

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Because the fact that these situations aren't always gonna be textbook is the exact reason WHY I say we can't approach gun situations in "always" and "never" terms by either total gun abolition or little/no gun control.

As for what the NRA said, how do they know some of 9 did NOT own guns, but who carries a gun in church?

And Chris Kyle was a trained sniper/gun owner and was shot at his firing range by a troubled soul he was trying to help. The fact that he owned guns and was even trained more than most made no different. Smarter criminals are gonna get you when you're vulnerable, not when your packing.

Conversely, in the example I mentioned, no guns were needed for the Boston bombers to inflict damage on others, they used makeshift bombs, and one of them ran for neighborhood's backyards. If we took the guns away, MORE bomb crimes might happen as a result (or black-market weapons off the net would be used) what would we have to defend ourselves from them then, alarm systems and cell phones?

But granted to your point, not everyone would have the presence of mind to give little man a choice and that few seconds to turn himself in, they'd just shoot first and ask questions later, and THAT is why I think we need stronger restrictions and better, longer-termed supervised training to weed out possible knee-jerkers with guns.

However, I agree with Blanche (she said this under another thread somewhere, I think), that it's the NRA and their lobbyists who prevent it because they get all paranoid about guns being taken away - it's the NRA that's preventing stronger gun laws.

Lastly, I think it's also very easy for us to sit and speculate on what we "should" or "would" do in each situation, but a very different story if this happens to us in real life.

Heck, even on this forum, liberals "shoot back" in self-defense when the attacker keeps coming, don't they? ;)(Half-joking and metaphorically speaking of course).

PS - I noticed the smirk, too, odd you mentioned that, I used that exact term talking about this with someone in RL.I've seen that look before, it's... well, for lack of a better term... demonic. I wish prayers from such types would save us too, but many times they don't :/

I so agree with this, every time that little twerp - said "yes, sir" so politely

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When he was in front of the judge it made my skin crawl.

He's almost the poster child for how to behave so police don't shoot you, oh but the most important thing you must have is skin of that color.

This is what the police (and Tyler Perry and Geraldo and Don Lemon and many others) keep pushing - that if only they would pull their pants up, be polite, and listen to whatever the police officer says, there wouldn't be so many dead bodies, right?

What's wrong with this picture? This absolute racist murderer is treated far better than any person of color who has not even committed a crime at all, who even has the audacity to run away because they know their chances might be better.

They gave this piece of human garbage a bullet proof vest and they gave him bail.


Again, be part of the solution instead of the problem. - sm

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