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Soros migration rent-a-mob amps up for Aug 28

Posted: Aug 24, 2016

The professional Soros migration/refugee agitators are rallying the street radicals to come to Washington, D.C., this Sunday, August 28. The aim of #DCRally4Refugees is to whip up the appearance of popular support for the UN’s September 19 Refugee Summit and President Obama’ plan to “surge” thousands more Syrian “refugees” into American communities. The #DCRally4Refugees is being organized by dozens of radical-Left groups funded by billionaire hedge fund mogul George Soros (shown) and his Open Society Foundations. As we reported last week, hacked documents from the Open Society Foundations (OSF) database have confirmed what was long known to readers of The New American: that the plethora of “grassroots” NGOs lobbying for the United States to take in more refugees and more migrants is, in reality, a phony Astroturf setup of professional revolutionaries financed by corporate globalists. Moreover, OSF’s secret e-mails, memos, and reports posted by the DCLeaks.com hacktivists also reveal the incestuous, behind-the-scenes coordination among the Soros-financed street revolutionaries and their high-level consorts in the Obama administration and the United Nations. ;

these "organizations: would be nonexistent except for - continuous funding from

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US govt agencies, United Nations agencies, and the “charitable” foundations of Soros, Ford, Rockefeller, Gates, McArthur, Tides, etc.

Paid leftists will descend on DC.

Remember when they complained after Ferguson for not getting paid?

Soros, Obama, Clinton plan. Destabilize the US, run up debt, - make America vulnerable so it

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can be brought down. Open borders, massive spending, weaken the strong, isolate and punish those who speak the truth. Turn HR into corporate police.

Own education and medical schools and rule all policy which takes the voice from the people. Then take America down.

Classic Saul Alinsky.

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