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So true.
Posted: Mar 15, 2010
Time for a Tune Up
Judy Feder details the provisions in the health care bill that are specifically designed to rein in out-of-control health care costs.
More: Cost Containment Is Key
Total cop-out. What you dont get is, you either fix it right, - or its still a piece of junk.nm
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I agree-it needs to be fixed! - I think that is the point!
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The reality is, this bill does NOTHING to contain costs. - Anon
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Even Democrats are saying that, so you know its bad.
And Center for American Progress is run by John Podesta, an old Clinton aide, and is extremely left-wing, so it is hardly an unbiased source.
there is no reality - Onan
[ In Reply To ..]
only perception. How many times I got to tell you this?
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