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Re-elect me, please?
Posted: Sep 5, 2012

raining - sm
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Thanks for the chuckle.
"If you love me, you've got to help me pass this bill" -Obama 09/2011
Not the words of a leader.
Standing by and letting the economy tank while - letting the market "run its course"
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are not exactly my idea of leadership, while watching GM go down in flames and MC families lose their homes in the wake of failed Bush policies. Romney could stand to show a little more personal likability, don't you agree?
This garbage about Obama saving GM... is garbage! - They had to go bankrupt anyway!
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... which is what they should have done in the first place instead of the rest of us bailing them out on TOP of bankruptcy! Romney is not likeable, but Obama is? Ugh... Obama comes across as full of ego and conceit.
they paid us back and people have jobs - bootstraps
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I wish we could leave personal prejudices out of the discussion, like ego, conceit, etc. just the facts.
It's interesting that Romney doesn't offer a defense as to why he made the statement they should just go into bankruptcy. He's a business guy. I want to know his reasoning behind this. I might understand better if he could make his reasoning more transparent to the simple minded, but I guess we probably wouldn't understand anyhow.
Romney is unlikeable (to me) because he appears to be oblivious to the plight of the average person... like the guy down the street who has a broken down car (I love Liz Warren).
Whether or not he is more equipped to deal with the challenge makes no difference to the average person if he tries to make $10,000 bets, boasts about 2 caddies, has offshore accounts, won't divulge his taxes, publicly questions cookies offered him by suporters his team vetted!!!, to name only a few.
They did NOT pay ALL the bailout money back - backwards typist
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and from what I read , they "shuffled" the bailout money so it looked like it came from their sales to look like they were doing great. Don't know if that's true or not-no one denied or affirmed this report.
Also, when a company goes bankrupt, they don't have to shut down completely. Those workers could have kept working. It's just that the union may have had to make concessions and, of course, you know they never want to do that.
What DID happen is car dealers and other companies had to close because pulled the rug out from under those businesses and that was unnecessary.
So the company bailouts really made unemployment worse, not better.
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