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Posted: Nov 22, 2016

I don't want a lecture everytime that Obama doesn't agree with Mr. Trump and gets on TV and starts preaching to us poor ignorant people. I don't care if I ever hear his voice again. He is so arrogant and insistent that he is always right and knows more than any of us know that who would want to hear that again and insists that everyone do everything his way. I don't think it is fair how everyone is jumping on the criticize Trump and most of all my former governor. He was and is a good governor and has represented Indiana in the House for a long while. I personally met him one on one at a job fair so he is most assuredly for jobs as he was in Indiana. He shook my hand and wished me luck finding a job. No photo op or group of people anywhere at all and no news people either. Just me and him. I didn't even know at that time who he was. LOL. I think it is bad when our pres elect and VP elect are criticized before anyone really knows them. I know you would like Mr. Pence. He is a class act and he turns the other cheek often. There is nothing to fear from either one. Trump is mostly bluster, but I am sure he will act when necessary. If we had had Hillary, who knows what we would have had and her temper would have probably started WWIII. ;

Donald Trump - Not my president

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has a 70-year history which shows what kind of person he is.

Yes, he is a very kind and caring person. - Has shown that his whole life

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He has helped many people get jobs, health care, get off drugs. He and his family have shown they are kind and caring family, able and willing to help anyone who is in need.

Unlike the politicians who only care about themselves and their rich friends.

BTW, Yes, he is your president, just like we were told Obama is our president. President Elect Trump will become the next president. If you live in the United States he will be your president.

I agree. - sm

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I didn't like him before watching The Apprentice, but I saw a different side to him then and actually learned from him. Even though I am an MT, I learned some business sense from him. I think he really will Make America Great Again!

time to take the blinders off... - LMT

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he is a typical politician and is proving it every day as we get closer to January...and he is only kind and caring to those he deems fit...not everybody.
You first. My sight has never been clearer. - I watch other things
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than what the leftist media spew. Millions of other people disagree with you.

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