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Panetta is wiping the floor with Skippy on Oreilly

Posted: Oct 7, 2014



Keep shining your flag pin - sm

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I hope you buy Panetta's book and find it really enjoyable.

This reminds me of being told I should support our president when Bush was leading us into the quagmire of the Middle East. I guess "real" patriotism is practiced by Tpubs only when a Tpub is in office.

I watched Fox with my nutty in-laws the other day just to see how they got so brainwashed. I could not believe the nonstop hate being broadcast on that network.

Great interview! - SM

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You could see the passion and sincere sadness in Panetta's eyes when he vocalized his worry about the future of our country. That, to me, said more than words in a book.

Same thing on CNN. - sm

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For those who are interested, I think there may be a replay on CNN at 10 PM Eastern time. I don't imagine any Dlibs will be tuning in. It's probably too painful for them.

Could it be Panetta is fleecing - Fox and Friends?

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Making the cable news rounds is a lucrative way to sell books, but it's an even better place to get a whole lot of free air time for advancing underlying political objectives. Leon Panetta never did take any loyalty oaths to President Obama, has always been a Clinton supporter and is the consummate opportunist. What I hear in these book circuit interviews is clear delineations between progressive diplomatic and more traditional hawkish Middle East policies, with Panetta doing a complete 180 from his previous views and turning himself inside-out so as to align with (gasp) Hillary's expressed more aggressive foreign policy approaches. In his book, he sure did try to help her out with the Tpubs Benghazi pseudoscandal with his favorable pass-the-buck PR that placed that monkey on General Petraeus' back.

I think Panetta has no further use for a two-term outgoing president and realizes that loyalty does not pay, so why not move forward with helping who he thinks will be the party's next 2016 nominee? Hillary can't really get away with bashing a sitting president who defeated her in the 2008 primary, welcomed her into the fold of his Team of Rivals, and slapped that Secretary of State title behind her name on her resume, but Panetta? His gravitas in this regard can go a long way in helping her redefine herself before and after she officially throws her hat in the ring. What better place to start than taking full advantage of the right's appetite for Obama bashing? Clever boy.

You people will use any explanation you can to (sm) - nm

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continue to defend this failure of a president. By all accounts, Panetta is an honest man. He tried very hard in this interview to not smear Obama too badly, though it was easy to see that he thought Obama was indecisive and couldn't interact with Congress which is causing the stalemate. He is more a logical law professor than a leader, is what he said. He seemed genuinely worried as to where the country is headed. As are many of us. I wish he would just step down. He is an epic fail of giant proportions.

You people - Not a great way to label anyone

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Remember Mrs Romney getting in trouble with that?

Us people think Mr Panetta is trying to feather his nest with the forthcoming Clinton administration, and us people are allowed to think that.

At least Mr Panetta, as worried as he supposedly is, did not seem to think the president was the devil or a Kenyan usurper, so I guess that is a step up from the usual anti-Obama rhetoric.

More of a logical law professor than a leader? I'll take that criticism of my beloved president. I personally think you can be both and he has proven himself to be so. The right wing does love their fury and passion, don't they? Can't be believed without it, apparently, yet some operate much more quietly and calmly and in the end achieve much better ends.

So that's what this "you people" thinks.
You must be a PC person. I don't play PC games. - You people. Period.
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Not PC - Just think You People
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Is a bad way of boxing people in in a negative way, which we all do at times, but just putting that particular name on it means us people versus you people, so at the very start you are adversarial.
Ask me if I care. - nm.
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I'm with you. - am
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Saying they don't like the phrase "you people" sort of tells me that they don't like to be called people. I can certainly come up with other names, but they may not like those either.
YOU people (Pubs) are rude, crude & clueless. - (If it goes around, it can come around!)
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oooooooowoooooooooo now feelings hurt. LOL - pub
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I don't mind being called "you people". - pub2
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I am a people. 😎
And as a Pub, most likely a RUDE people, - to boot. Party Of Meanness.
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Astonishingly rude. - a different poster
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I'm just curious as to whether you behave this way toward others who have a different opinion from you in person, when you're not posting anonymously on a message board. The poster you were responding to didn't say anything that warranted such a nasty response from you.
Boo! - NM
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Boo, yourself. - nm
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She's a right-winger. Certainly she DOES act - the same towards all who differ.
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It's how "those people" (to paraphrase the Republicans) always behave: Childishly and selfishly.
Ask us if we care if you do - or don't
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You know what "they" say about those who refuse to learn from history. Carelessly parading that us-versus-them mentality around in public and on video helped the 47% candidate lose last time around. Keep up the good work.
A: American version of ISIS/Taliban. - Q: What is the Republican party?
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Same one-track minds. It's all black or white, there is no such thing as gray. All 'infidels' must die. And blah-blah-blah.
That's the problem. Repubs care about only - themselves and their money. Eww.
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Do you mean, you, the 47%? - Us people

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Shocked to see the Romney's posting here.

"You people". You sound like my ex-boss. - (Who got fired). ;)

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Panetta is talking out of the other side of his mouth now. - In 2012 he supported WH inaction in Syria.

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For instance, in 2012 he addressed the Senate Armed Services Committee with a speech that blathered all about the "diplomatic" steps the administration was taking - predicting that these would bring down Assad - and in which we find him echoing the administration's excuse for not arming the Syrian rebels:

"It is not clear what constitutes the Syrian armed opposition – there has been no single unifying military alternative that can be recognized, appointed, or contacted."

Mr. Panetta, it would be nice if you and others like you didn't wait until you've resigned from office, taking your cushy government pension safely with you, before you decided it was time to tell the truth - and in the context of a book tour that frankly only raises questions about your sincerity, and even the veracity of what you've written.

It's so hard for anyone to know - were you telling the truth then, or now? This is not a political comment in any way - it happens on both sides of the aisle, and it only raises the level of cynicism that the American public have clearly expressed with regard to their trust in the government.

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