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PP: We Did 333,964 Abortions;

Posted: Jan 8, 2013

By Penny Starr, CNS News (CNSNews.com) – Planned Parenthood Federation of America's latest annual report for 2011-2012 says that its affiliated clinics performed 333,964 abortions in fiscal 2011. That works out to an average of one abortion every 94 seconds. The 333,964 abortion Planned Parenthood did in fiscal 2011 is an increase of 4,519 from the 329,445 abortions it did in 2010, according to a fact sheet that Planned Parenthood published last year. Over two years, Planned Parenthood says, it has aborted 663,409. The 2011-2012 report states that Planned Parenthood received $542.4 million in “government health services grants and reimbursements,” which it states includes “payments from Medicaid managed care plans.” The report also shows that Planned Parenthood’s total assets top $1 billion dollars, specifically $1,244.7 billion. “We are so proud of the year’s many successes, and deeply grateful for all the partners, sponsors, volunteers, staff and friends who helped make them possible,” states the report's introductory letter, signed by PPFA president Cecile Richards and Cecelia Boone, chairwoman of the organization. Read more: cnsnews.com;

8 googled pages of very questionable sites without a confirmatory hit. - Please post PP's own "fact sheet."

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BTW, CNS is not an honest site, so confirmation of that claim is needed before we can discuss it.

For instance, how many of those would be D&Cs and at what stage? Mother Nature aborts up to 80% of all fertilized eggs in humans, both before and after implant, not all these abortions complete themselves without help, and many women would die horrible deaths from pelvic infection without intervention.

1 every 94... - sm

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I do see that the figure of 333,964 is correct per PP's own annual report. What I find questionable is the bit about "1 every 94 seconds". I'd like to see how they crunched those numbers and arrived at that estimate.

Been a long time since my last math class - sm

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but how about dividing the number of seconds in 365 1/3 days by the 333,964?

The math would be correct - Al Fabbet, egghead

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I estimated, but here it goes:

333,964/year = 915/day (# abs divided by 365 days in a year).

915/day = 38/hour (915 divided by 24 hours in a day).

38/hour = 0.63/minute (38 divided by 60 minutes in an hour).

Convert abs to whole number (6.3 abs/1 minute = 1 ab/x minutes, cross multiply, divide) equals 1 ab every 1.6 minutes.

Convert 1.6 minutes to seconds (1 min/60 sec = 1.6 min/x sec, cross multiply, divide) leaves you 96 seconds.

Again, I rounded so I'm off by 2 seconds, but you get the idea.

PP's fact sheet. Need Adobe Reader to see it I think - backwards typist

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It shows 333,964, which is up from 2010 which showed 329,445.

I must admit it was very hard to maneuver those sheets. There was no way to print them and no way to copy them. If the link won't work, then go to CNS and click on the blue "annual report," then go to "action fund" at the top. Then you can move around the pages.


Do you have a point? - nm

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Those 8 pages of hits are all right wing slander machine, - and the point is we get to be part of it.nm

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Not you, silly, the OP - anon

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I just think posts like the OP's are rather a waste--why cut and paste bits of random article without any explanation/opinion? I'm not a mind reader and don't know (although can easily assume) where she's going with her post.

I got your verification of sources post just fine =]
I'm glad she posted - otherwise we tend - to not want to think about such atrocities.
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It was a good reminder.
If you're thinking now, then do be sure to go get good material to think - about. You know, say no to GIGO? :) nm
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Contraception coverage issue - RC

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This is why contraception plays an important role in our health insurance coverage.

If you're disgusted by abortion, start preventing them in a way that WORKS.

Great idea, RC! Perfect way that works... - abstinence!

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Poster said the info came from Planned Parenthood's 2011-2012 own records; easily looked up, I'm sure, since CNSNews is so suspect.

Right, b/c "abstinence" has such a proven record. - RC

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Abstinence works every time it's tried - 100% effective
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;) But I'm sure we've all heard that before. Maybe we should heed the advice.
I'm talking real life here. - RC
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Not some fairy land in which no one has sex until they're married. Besides, married people need birth control too. Insurance should cover it.

Real-life solution to a real-life problem. Not some hopeful idea that will never work.
Our real life standards - sure have been lowered
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Like we've given up even trying.
That's a personal opinion - RC
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But whether one feels that way or not, it behooves all of us to be proactive about it.

I certainly don't want to be the one who is an obstacle to the solution b/c I'm still grumbling about the good old days.
It's pointless to argue sometimes - Al Fabbet
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Most of those who scream against providing effective BC and promote abstinence are usually bunched up about sex, and they tend to use the abortion topic as a way to bully others into their closed way of thinking. It's all about the warm and fuzzy feeling some get when they're shaming others... it's quite exhilarating.

If there was a BCP that worked by completely shutting down the sex drive so women didn't want to have sex, they'd be screaming that it should be made affordable and accessible, and we'd all be asexual and live happily ever after. Unfortunately, the BC we have now still lets you do it, so promoting it as an unplanned pregnancy (and abortion) prevention method is unacceptable. What are we, a bunch of animals??

I have a feeling that this topic is going to be brought up a lot on here as R v W turns 40.
Whatever - anon
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So since my husband and I don't want and can't afford anymore children, we're supposed to stop our intimate relationship? I think you need to broaden your view regarding who takes contraceptives.
it's not tried that often - nm
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Abortion is a substitute for BC? - We'll probably never agree on that.

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BC is so prevalently available to anyone who wants it, insurance or no. Killing a baby for convenience is not the answer. PP seems proud of their statistics, though.

A substitution? Where do you get that? - RC

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This is so... - grits

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I can't even...

How very sad - That's a lot of dead babies.

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No, it is not a dead baby count. It's propaganda. That's why I - called them on it. But, yes, the

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real numbers are...sad.

Are you saying - sm

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that PP puts out propaganda on itself? They say they did that many abortions. Each abortion kills a baby.

Here's what I don't get: In large part, the people that - are anti-abortion, anti-choice - sm -

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are very much pro-gun, and want it to be their choice whether they own a gun or not. Even in the wake of all Newtown and Aurora mass shootings. Aborted zygotes are unacceptable to them, but apparently gunned-down children are.

Huge double standard.

Aborted zygote - rcc

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That's a term to ease one's conscious, much easier than to admit a baby is killed for every abortion performed.
No. That's a term folks who paid attention in biology class use - Al Fabbet
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Now, I'm not saying that zygotes aren't cute, cuddly, and soooooo adorbs, but babies they are NOT at that stage, and they do not deserve the same rights as living, breathing, walking, talking, thinking, and feeling human beings (aka people... including babies except for the walking and talking part). Please don't try and pull the fertilized egg = baby and therefore BCP user = baby killer thing.

Now, feel free to address the issue of numerous ridiculous personhood measues trying to be put in place to protect fertilized eggs and the astounding lack of sensible gun control measures to protect people (again including babies and children).
Protecting the zygote is where it's at - grits
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Once you're born, you're on your own. Can't afford healthcare? Need help getting enough to eat or keeping the lights on? Worried about getting shot at random? Too bad.
Yep, so a baby is better off being aborted, - is what you're saying?
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you may not know this... - sm
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Most hospitals have rather strict gestational parameters, such that infants born before a certain cutoff are provided no life support or medical interventions. This is a conundrum our society lives with daily, and we do so with the guidance of science, for turning to feelings and emotions isn't going to help us find the answer.

I believe I am qualified to make my own healthcare choices, whether I am guided by science or religion, and I would support your right to make choices based on whatever you feel is important. But private medical procedures have to be adjudicated by science, not emotion. In this way, the word zygote is no more charged than the word baby.

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