A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Obamacare is gradually catching up to its target numbers.

Posted: Jan 25, 2014

It's beginning to look pretty good!


First, be careful of this link. Once you get in, you can't get out (sm) - Two things

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Second, this is Sebelius making an announcement. She made false announcements about signups before, remember? So did her boss. Do we have any real figures to support this claim?

Funny - I had no problem with the link

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Just read it, back arrow, back to here. Very informative it was too.

No problem here. Good news! nm - VTMT

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Bloomberg BusinessWeek is reputable - scare tactics

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I guess that is one way to keep people from the truth.

Remember the numbers they put out before? - They were untrue. No scare tactics involved.

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Fox new is also reporting these numbers. - nm
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I think she meant the person who was "warning" people about the link. - nm
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I'd like to - know...

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how many of those have signed up for Medicaid and are not actually paying for any insurance. That will make a big difference in the downward spiral - not enough people paying in.

Medicare is separate from Obamacare. Those numbers also...sm - VTMT

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Also do not include people not eligible for subsidies who signed up directly through the insurance companies and bypassed the government website.

How do you know - that?

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all we get are general numbers. And actually, I was wondering about Medicaid, not Medicare - that's a completely separate thing.
She doesn't. - nm
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Medicare is a single payer health care plan.... - sm
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that is administered by the government for people 65 or older. It has not changed and has nothing to do with Obamacare. There is a post below "Who is buying Obamacare". The link inside that post has a paragraph that says people who go directly to the insurance company to purchase their policies are not included in the published numbers.

I'd like to know... - NPC

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how people can think losing liberty is a good thing. Being FORCED to do anything (in this case sign up for Obamacare) in this country is a loss of liberty. Makes me wonder what will we lose next?

I had to pay federal taxes for the the Iraq War. - me

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And it made me sick to do so. That's the way it works in this country.

And we are still paying taxes which - go in huge part to the military

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Now I support the military service men and women, but I do NOT support the massive military budget we pay for with our taxes. How come they never cut any of that?

Our taxes pay for the "consultants" or mercenaries that fight in these countries with our recruits, yet they are compensated at a much higher level privately and have much better equipment.

It must be terribly demoralizing to be an everyday soldier, and to know we are paying so much for those consultants and pretty poorly for our own makes me feel sick.

Those tax dollars were already allocated. - sm

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And certainly not related to a loss of liberty.
So let me get this straight - re loss of liberty
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You having to get health care coverage means you lost your liberty.

Me having to pay the majority of my taxes to the military is nothing to do with liberty?

I'm sorry, I beg to differ with that viewpoint.

The tax dollars for the ACA are nonexistent for people in our tax bracket. The only people who get a tax surcharge make over $250,000. Every projection by the CBO reduces the deficit and all this sky is falling stuff about bankrupting the nation does not ring true. In fact, what was bankrupting the nation was the way the healthcare system was previously. There are issues with cost containment, granted, but this is certainly a step in the right direction.

I don't expect you to read the attached article, but please know that the reason the right wing does not want people to like Obamacare is that it will make access to health care possible for lower income people and it seems they only want decent health care to be for the well off.

For the life of me, if people are posting on this board are NOT lower income people, well then they are not MTs IMHO, so why the heck are you fighting the millionaires' battles for them?
No, that's not straight. Let me explain - Different poster
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Being forced to buy a product people don't want to own. Not having a choice on our own life and what we need or want is a loss of liberty.

Everyone has to pay taxes. Taxes are taxes. We don't get to pick and choose what we want our taxes to go to. Taxes (within reason that is) are necessary. Everyone pays local, state and federal taxes. The government then uses these taxes for various things. Wouldn't it be great if we could all just pick and choose which funds we want our taxes to go to. Unfortunately, that is not the way it works. Paying taxes is not a loss of liberty. Everyone who works pays taxes.

Being forced to purchase any product is a theft of our freedoms. Where does it stop. They force everyone to buy brocoli. After all brocoli is good for you. Keeps you healthy. Everyone needs to stay healthy, hence everyone needs to buy and eat brocoli. Little by little they will tell us what we products we have to buy whether or not we don't want to own it. That is a loss of liberty. Liberty means freedom from control, interference, obligation, restriction, hampering conditions, etc.; power or right of doing, thinking speaking, etc. according to choice. For anyone to tell anyone that they now have to buy something they don't want is taking away your freedom. Every person should have the freedom to decide what products they want to own. Not be forced to buy something they don't want at a fixed price they cannot afford.

This is not a fight against millionaires. Second I've read a lot of posts on other portions of boards. Not all MTs are lower income people. Some of them look to be getting paid pretty well, so why the heck are you assuming?

Reading the posters post you replied to she is fighting for all Americans right to freedom since we do live in America and that is one of our basic principles. You know...Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Besides...you know it's not a good thing when congress exempts themselves, their friends, the 1%ers, wall street, unions, anyone who contributes to their campaigns, and anyone who they want to vote for them.

"The issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite."
-- Thomas Jefferson

Another good quote

"[G]overnment, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer."
-- Thomas Paine
Thank you to whoever posted this. - SM
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I could not have explained this as well as you and I thank you.
People are exempt because they are keeping - their current employers plan.
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Just like I have.

I don't see having to purchase health insurance as a loss of freedom. I guess everyone is different. I think those who have gone without insurance have been terribly irresponsible.
I think smoking is terribly irresponsible. Do you think the govt - should be telling us - sm
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whether or not we can smoke? Health insurance first, that might be next. Then there is alcohol, what about skydiving or parachutting. Very dangerous. Should govt be telling us whether or not we can do it. The point is where does it stop.
And here the car insurance analogy - does apply
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You equate buying health insurance with being "forced" to buy broccoli?

If you don't buy car insurance you have basically the same thing as if you don't buy health insurance. You get penalties and fines.

And if you think your car insurance is not paying for everyone else's accidents, that is also not true. The story of insurance of any kind is pooling risk, it is actuarial science.

When it comes to health insurance, the kinds of things that would make your insurance higher are kind of the opposite of car insurance - young people less likely to claim, whereas with cars they typically have higher premiums because they do tend to get in accidents.

IMHO, Health insurance SHOULD be balanced out. The way it has been happening in the past is that people with high paying jobs get better, cheaper coverage. Tell me how that is fair and makes sense.

Someone who now has to pay more in premiums for health insurance is likely someone who can afford it, and to me that is the important factor.
No the car insurance does not apply. - sm
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If you compare car to health insurance (2 totally different things), then you would have to force everyone to buy car insurance whether or not they drive a car.
Everyone DOES use the - health care system
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You can choose not to go to the doctor, but eventually you are going to end up there or in the hospital.

I have not been to the doctor in years, but in this business I think we all have typed horrible stories about people just like us who never saw the doctor and then they ended up with a heart attack or a PE or what have you.

It makes sense for all of us to be insured when all of us will use the system eventually.
No they are not. That is an assumption on your part - my grandpa never did
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He was the healthiest person ever. Never spent a day in a hospital and never needed to go to the doctor except for routine checkups every few years which he certainly did not need health coverage for. He did a ripe old age in his own home.

People assume that everyone is going to end up in the hospital. Even if I do end up needing insurance you should not be responsible for paying my bill.

This excuse of everyone needs health insurance is getting old.
"He was the healthiest person ever." That leaves the whole rest of the population less - fortunate/healthy
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thereby needing and using health insurance.
But if you don't have insurance and you are - responsible for your bill
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How you gonna pay it? That bill could be $100,000. A typical appendix op costs $27,000. I know I can't afford that.

It is like saying you drive a car but you are a great driver, so you don't need insurance. But then if someone hits you or if you get in a pileup through no fault of your own, whoops, it still happened, and costs are incurred, so the insurance is necessary.
Everyone has health. Therefore, everyone needs health - insurance nm
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Everyone needs to eat too. Should we all receive - free food? nm
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I'm an MT and originally posted about - loss of liberty
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You are repeating the leftwing agenda machine regarding fighting the battles of the millionaires. Here's my point. I don't want a government handout now or ever. I've been down before, but never out. I have worked very hard for what I have and while it would have been a lot easier to take food stamps or welfare or a free Obamaphone or whatever, I want to do it on my own. That is the way I was raised and the way I have raised my family. We are proud of that. What is missing in a large sector of today's families is that pride, motivation and ambition to get ahead by working hard. Yes, it is difficult today in this economy thanks to liberal taxing and spending, but we will rise above it as soon as we get a president and congress with a business and economic background as well as a knowledge of foreign policy and everything that is lacking in this current administration.
FANTASTIC POST! - Thank you!!! (NM)
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And your post is exactly all the talking points - of the rightwing agenda
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How about the truth?

Guess what, I have NEVER met ANYONE that wants a govt handout. True! Have you? Do you really believe there is this alien population out there of poor and lazy people from the ghetto who are trying to take tax dollars away from you? That is entirely the creation of Fox News and their ilk, that is what they want you to think.

It would have been a lot EASIER to take food stamps or welfare? Have you ever tried?

I have not, but I have a friend who was down and out and it is the farthest thing from easy to try to qualify for any benefits at all. Fox would have you believe anyone can go to Social Services and get fixed up, it is simply not true.

Free Obamaphone I am sure you have heard, was started under George W. Bush.

Fox News: Rich people paying rich people to tell middle class people to blame poor people.

Sadly, this ideological back and forth is exactly what divides our govt, but the truth is what matters and there are not two different truths, there is only one.

I wish Fox News had not won that lawsuit (see link below) that said it could lie because it is lying, a lot, and people are believing them. Just because you really want something to be true (bad stuff about President Obama mainly) does not mean it is true.

Thanks, Florida, for giving Fox the right to lie. Figures it would be Florida.

That's why they can't operate in Canada, because they actually have broadcasting standards there that say you cannot lie if you want to call yourself news.
OMG yes, I've met a many many people - who want govt handouts
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A lot of them are on on this board - Too dimwitted to figure out
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Sooner or later, the money runs out. NOTHING IS FREE.
Please point me to the post by a democrat that said obamacare - is free thx nm
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I don't know how old you are, but I'm talking about handouts that - PREDATE FOX NEWS.
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There is a sector of the population out there that knows no way of life other than being supported by the government for food, housing, medical, you name it. It's there for the taking and they love it. You can't blame everything you don't like hearing on GWB or FOX news. As far as your friends, they didn't know the right people. Do you know one of the functions of ACORN and like groups? It's to help people get on the dole. You need to broaden your horizons a bit.
Do you know this from personal experience? - I just have never come across this
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I have always worked, lived in big cities and small towns (now) and I really have not met anyone who was like that. There is no Acorn anymore either, so who do you think is helping get people on welfare now?

Since only 4% of Americans receive welfare, the preoccupation with demonizing these people is ridiculous.

What about the big welfare queens - Wall Street, Big Oil, and multinational corporations? They're the ones who get tax breaks for offshoring our jobs and polluting.
Yes, I do know from personal experience. - sm
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Please don't misunderstand me. I am all for helping people. I would love to see the welfare to work program reinstituted. Working gives people a sense of worth and self-respect. If anyone wants to hear more about people on the dole, ask anyone who owns a tax franchise. Now, they have some stories!
Interesting - NK
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I thought one of the biggest complaints about people "on the dole" is that they don't pay any taxes. Are you saying that they not only pay taxes but also need a tax franchise to prepare their returns for them?
They don't pay. They file and get a - BIG refund.
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This is the absolute gospel truth. My best friend owns a tax franchise and has told me stories about things I never knew existed.
Are you speaking of the EITC? If so, you are fortunate that you never knew - it existed. NM
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Do you live in a major metropolitan area? - If not,
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you may not be exposed to this type of situation first hand like a lot of us.
Not rightwing agenda... - Loss of Liberty Poster
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What I posted above regarding working hard and not taking any government handout is what I learned from my immigrant parents, who worked very hard to give me and my siblings a better life. I am first generation American and very proud that I never learned first hand about welfare even though we would have been eligible when my father died and my mother was left widowed and uneducated, but working 2 jobs to keep us fed, clothed and sheltered. I learned my principles and my morals from my family not from any politician. I thank God for that every single day!
P.S. FOX News is alive and well in Canada. - Check out snopes.
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Okay the USA version - is allowed to broadcast there
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I should have specified, they did not allow a home grown Fox News type setup to be started there, favored by the prime minister, Stephen Harper.

I actually don't mind the news part of Fox News, I find my local Fox station fine. It's the talking heads and opinion that do the damage and are spreading the lies.
One of the best posts I've read in a long time - Mrs. Tingles - sm
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This is what stands out as fantastic -

"Yes, it is difficult today in this economy thanks to liberal taxing and spending, but we will rise above it as soon as we get a president and congress with a business and economic background as well as a knowledge of foreign policy and everything that is lacking in this current administration."

Excellent point.  Thank you for posting that.

Why should we have expected anything better from a - community organizer? I mean, really people!!
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Thank you, Mrs. Tingles. - sm
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Your opinion matters to me. I happen to agree with just about everything you have written as well.
Do you plan on collecting the Social Security and Medicare handout when the - time comes?nm
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It's not a handout, hun. I paid into it my whole life - with a big chunk of change.
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Same concept. We all pay into insurance and get more than we paid in - the long run nm
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I always know I am spot on with a message when a term of endearment is invoked. Thank you for that!
No we don't - health insurance does not pay us - a monthly income
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Jeepers people do you even understand this concept?

But Medicare does not pay you - a monthly income either
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And if you think Medicare is fair, you should understand that the ACA is a similar undertaking.

The expansion of Medicare is really how this should have been done from the start, everyone now agrees (except Republicans, who appear to just want any hope of getting coverage for poor people thrown out the window).

Here's a thought: You get Medicare the same if you made $100,000 a year or $20,000 a year, same thing. Granted, you might be able to afford the extra coverage and fancy hospitals if you are well off, but all in all we all contribute lifelong to be able to get Medicare at retirement, and since rich and poor are leveled at this crucial stage, and Medicare has not bankrupted the nation by insuring those of us who are most needing medical care, why all the doom and gloom about the ACA, which is basically the same principle?
We're not talking about Medicare. We're talking about SS - nm
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I beg your pardon - but does the thread not begin with
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"Do you plan on collecting the Social Security and Medicare Handout when the time comes?"

So both SS and Medicare, no?
Yes. - Loss of Liberty Poster
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I'm looking forward to it, but I've got some time left in the workforce before collecting retirement/SS and having availability of Medicare.
FYI, the money to finance Bush's two wars were never - included in the budget. nm
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FYI - They were congress wars since congress approved them. They are the O's - wars since congress didn't approve
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Only because they were spoon fed bogus intelligence by the Bush administration. nm - VTMT
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Correction; - International Intelligence
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Read up on this please before making such a broad statement that is not true.
You are correct, but the Bush administration.... - VTMT
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was a part of the intelligence gathering and was responsible for spoon feeding the bogus intelligence to Congress.
Some things will never change. You will always - BLAME BUSH
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Not blaming Bush. This is history. History is relevant and deserves to be cited. Same goes for - posts below
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In order to explain and understand current and even future events, history must be represented and cited. You just can't pick up in the middle of an event and understand it without exploring its historical roots.
It's time to come up with a new blame game. - This one's getting old.
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This poster NEVER gets this right - That's why these posts are so old
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Guess it is easier for poster to keep posting the same old bogus, incorrect posts then actually researching ALL the intelligence agencies that had the same info as Bush. Could also go back and watch the archives of the UN hearings WITH ALL WORLD LEADERS and the intelligence they put forth and provided to the US. Pretty clear the continued spinning takes less effort than actually getting the facts.
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and worship of their Imperialist Wizard Elite Obama. They are genetically and mentally incapable of any common sense critical thinking without their O Holy Highnie telling what to think, how to think, what to buy, what do do...you get the idea. Hitler would love these Obama-ites...so easily led and so easily duped.
Patriot Act. - nm
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Good - news!!

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So almost half of the people that had insurance that was cancelled now have insurance again!  You're right - that's looking pretty good!  Undecided

Can't find it now but I read somewhere on line that these...sm - VTMT

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numbers do not include people who did not sign up through the ACA website but went directly to the insurance companies themselves, I guess the people who knew they wouldn't qualify for a subsidy. This is so encouraging!

Who's buying Obamacare? sm - VTMT

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This is from an article written at the end of December.

The numbers released today don’t count people who bought health plans off the exchanges. Given the website’s technical problems, people buying insurance who earn too much for subsidies may have bypassed healthcare.gov entirely and purchased plans from brokers or directly from insurance companies. The government doesn’t yet have data on how many people got coverage directly.


The ones buying Obamacare are the ones who had their - previous policies canceled.

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Because they are responsible individuals, not because they like what they are BEING FORCED TO BUY.
Check the link for exact numbers. nm - VTMT
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We have to buy OC now because we have no choice - done on purpose
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Take away people's insurance and then they only have one option. Their plan. We don't get to pick and choose what we want. We are being forced to buy something we don't want to buy. That's like taking away every single bread company and offering only Wonder Bread.
Communism, Socialism, Marxism, Fascism... - Take your pick.
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This is the agenda of this president. Just watch what he does with his mighty pen and phone. We'll hear all about it tonight. Oh, boy, I can't wait.
But OC is not socialized medicine! - It is just a middleman
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You DO have many choices with ACA, or at least a few. In many cases the same insurance company as you had before, except now they actually have to follow a few rules to protect us, the consumers, which I dare you to say are not good rules!

Please, you want to go back to them being able to refuse preexisting conditions? You want them to be able to cut you off if you cost them too much?

I have researched what it would cost my family and it would be less than we are paying now through a grandfathered plan and the coverage would be much better and cheaper.

I also think it is a great thing to detach the insurance from employment. The financial burden of providing health care to their employees can be very big, hence they have reason to be able to pay you less in salary. Salaries have not increased in this country for years, in our profession they have certainly gone down.

I'm not expecting companies to pay more if the ACA ever results in everyone being able to get insurance independent of their employer, but they would certainly not be able to use that as an excuse.

It also makes sense competing internationally. Do you realize those Indian employees (or really anywhere employees) do not have to have insurance computed into their salaries because it is independent through the govt?

There are a lot of reasons for offshoring (unfortunately - would that that would be illegal like it should be, instead of actually rewarded) but if we detached insurance from employment, that burden would also not be an excuse they could use.
You bring up some good points, - sm
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particularly with respect to pre-existing conditions, but the big question remains. Who will pay for this ultimately? Some of the brightest minds out there say this is not sustainable and will eventually bankrupt our nation. The majority of Americans do not want it. We need insurance reform, but not a one-sided attempt to create a selfish legacy at the expense of this country's great people.

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xx ...

Women's Job Numbers Down Under Obama (sm)Aug 23, 2012
It should help Sandra in her quest for free birth control.   The best free birth control?? MISERY. ...

Jobs Numbers Are In. Bye Bye Obama (sm)Sep 07, 2012
link ...

Obama's Job Approval NumbersJan 23, 2014
...on the right side of the screen. Telling information. ...

New Numbers Out That Last Year Corporations Made More Than Ever!Mar 26, 2011
This is the time when it's supposed to trickle down, adding jobs and increasing salaries! ...

Audiophiles! Songs With Numbers In The Title!Apr 18, 2012

Interesting Article About Jobs NumbersOct 11, 2012
http://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/2012/10/11/jobless-claims-data-skewed-downward/   ...

The Numbers Prove It: The GOP Is Estranged From America.Aug 28, 2013
[Interestingly, Pew Research points to Fox News as a big problem with the GOP. Note that Fox News was created to make money by selling a specific niche viewer group to advertisers -- those people who felt the mainstream media weren't conservative enough. Fox doesn't exist TO promote far-right views, that's just a byproduct of its process. (Of course, the various far-right websites and blogs are a whole different thing.) ] From the Washington Post: The numbers prove it: T ...

Oh Dear, These Labor Numbers Are Simply Awful.Sep 07, 2012
- is that Obama had these numbers when he stood up and made his speech last night.  The POTUS is always advised of the numbers on the day before any significant labor (or other economic) numbers are released. So I think it's pretty fair, at this point, to call Obama an unmitigated, narcissistic liar to stand before the American people and beg for four more years when he had been given even more evidence than he already had that there is no justification on earth to give his failed pol ...

Map Of Refugees Arrives In The Last Year. Massive Numbers OfAug 16, 2016
imported into the United States. If I recall correctly, the Obama administration’s stated goal is to bring in 100,000 this year. Refugee resettlement is a big business now in the USA, driven by lavish funding from the federal government with additional assistance from Soros-type NGOs. In particular, mainstream Protestant denominations are cashing in on the windfall by offering their services as charitable experts to help resettle the new arrivals. See Refugee Resettlement Watch for the bes ...

Here's Someone To Explain The REAL Job Numbers To The White House. (sm)Aug 04, 2014
Too bad this administration keeps reporting "feel good" numbers and his minions follow along and cheer.  Pitiful. link   ...