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I am freaking FLOORED at Adam Lanza's

Posted: Mar 28, 2013

More than 1,000 rounds of ammunition, a bayonet, several swords and knives were among the items found in a search of Adam Lanza's home.

The 20 children and six staff members were all killed with a Bushmaster .223-calibre rifle.

The gun Lanza turned on himself was a Glock 10mm handgun, Mr Sedensky said.

Lanza also had a loaded 9mm Sig Sauer handgun with him in the school and three 30-round magazines for the rifle.

At the scene, investigators found 154 used .223 casings.

One more weapon - a 12-gauge shotgun with 70 rounds - was discovered in the Honda Civic that Lanza drove to the school.

n the gunman's two-storey family home, investigators found a bayonet, a gun safe in Lanza's bedroom, three samurai swords and about 10 knives, according to search warrants.

Several guns were retrieved: a .323-calibre Enfield Albian bolt-action rifle, a .22-calibre Savage Mark II rifle, a BB gun and a .22-calibre Volcanic starter pistol, according to the papers.

I do not mean to speak ill of the dead in a mean spirit, but rather I am trying to understand why his mother supported his "hobby."  This young man had Asperger's (a form of autism) and spent most of his time locked up in his room playing Call of Duty, a well-known violent video game. One of the guns was purchased as a present from his mom. This kid had a huge arsenal of weapons, WHY? Why did she encourage him?

Do any of you think giving an ultra-reclusive kid with autism and a violent video game obsession a huge supply of weapons is a good idea?  I see it as nothing less than gross negligence. I would *hope* with all my heart that most mothers would take a good look at their child's personality and possible issues before supporting their gun hobby.

If it was just one gun, a pistol or a rifle or shotgun, I would understand. But it wasn't, it was an insane amount of weapons!  

Sorry, I had to get that out. Yell


Well, probably had to be there. Hardly any killers are - autistic, and almost no autistic people

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are murderers, but we all absorb our ultra-violent culture.

Note that in previous centuries, in all the history of the human race, people never saw anything like the day-in/day-out immersion in TV and video violence that we do. Most people lived their entire lives without seeing a murder, much less an average of several to many a week. They would be horrified and sickened at what we watch for entertainment to a degree we are now literally unable to imagine.

The link below is to a Psychology Today article on "Asperger's, Autism and Mass Murder." Close to the beginning is also a link to the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC)'s statement on this issue.

I'd think such an obsession with violence - and probable social difficulties

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due to his condition would be a pretty big red flag.

One well might. But Mrs. Lanza was only one of many millions letting - video games relieve her parenting hours.

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She's not around to speak to it, but it's very likely she never imagined that her sweet boy would ever murder anyone, much less something like this. Don't forget, she was the first to die, in her bed.
Oh, I haven't forgotten. - nm
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Search Warrants here - Truthhurts

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My question: Why is a search warrant needed when he and his mother were dead? Just askin'.

He was definitely planning this deadly deed for quite a few months or more. Why his mother enabled him will never be known but a psychologist stated that she was paranoid and so, the reason for so many guns by her and him.

This first one is witness testimony of findings by the cops.


The second one is his personal papers:


The third one is seizure of firearm-related and school-related paperwork among other things:


This one is for seizure of the contents of the gun safe:


There are others:

I suppose they have to follow procedure, - for the record.

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If his mother was paranoid, that would explain a whole lot. I heard in the beginning that some considered her a survivalist, but that was later said to be not true. So now I'm not sure what she was like.

I believe in gun rights (and I also believe in gun *control*), but there has to be some kind of way to weed out people who are truly DISTURBED from getting their hands on enough firepower to take down a freaking herd of elephants.

Problem is, the profiles fit large numbers of "normal" people. - Can't weed grass from a lawn.nm

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How about a clean bill of health from a psychiatrist - prior to purchase?
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Is that too much to ask to help prevent something like this from happening again? I don't think it is.
Wouldn't work, see above, and unfair burden on lower - income people. The big difference between
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the MANY people who indulge themselves fantasizing about murder now and then and the ones who hatch real plans and carry them out so far seems to be signaled only by the action.

Perhaps some of those monitor apps we were reading about could be used to monitor for "action" brain waves and we all be required to wear them, but I really don't see it.

We don't have a good answer yet, just that doing more of several things we've always done to some degree, but better, would significantly cut down the numbers of violent deaths.
I don't care if it's unfair. - If someone shows an inkling
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for murder, they shouldn't have a gun. Don't you think a psychiatrist can tell the difference between normal behavior and abnormal behavior?

And if they can't afford a psychiatric evaluation, maybe they shouldn't be buying a gun anyway. They can be quite expensive, especially if you want an entire arsenal of them.
No, I don't. Because "abnormal" behavior is normal. - Don't you know someone with a little
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temper problem, someone prone to resentment, someone who always seems to find something to dislike in most people? Someone who sits quietly in the corner at most gatherings? Someone who plays a lot of violent video games (Angry Birds is violent)? Someone whose friends seem to get in trouble with the law too much?

The vast majority of murderers aren't psychotics killing someone because the voices tell them to. They're sane people who are angry and alienated, and in that they're not at all abnormal--until they decide to act.

As for stigmatizing examinations, don't forget - we're a republic. We can vote. As the numbers of people who *officially* shouldn't be trusted with a knife began to rise, so would the numbers of angry people, friends, families, employers, not just them, demanding an end to the entire experiment.
There are big differences between - sm
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someone who has a normal range of emotions and someone who is psychologically disturbed.

I also don't think comparing Angry Birds to Call of Duty makes a lot of sense.
Whatever. Note, Birds doesn't have sprays of blood, but it's 100% - angry attack, attack, attack. Violence Lite,
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although, of course, we prefer to see it as "cute" when we let our three-years-old spend hours at it.

Of course, older angry kids and adults go on to more bloody stuff, but don't discount the contribution of "Angry" to Birds' success. Do you think it'd be in practically every home if it were called "Trampoline Uh-ohs"?
3 dislikes? Apparently I'm not the only grandma with Birds - on my smart phone for the little ones. Lump it.nm
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Looking at that list - NachoCommie

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I'm floored, too. Adam had an obvious obsession and it's sad his mom fueled it.

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