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Hot Mike

Posted: Mar 27, 2012

mr. president said to Russian leader - This is my last election. I will have more flexibility after (not exact wording but close).  GObama!  Just what I needed to hear.  Big, big changes on the horizon.  No more Mr Nice Guy. Let's get this repubic rockin!




I would like to know - sm

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if anyone thinks this was done on purpose. I am certainly not a fan of his, but he's not a stupid man. I think it is a political move to pander to the extreme left wing of the dems.

telling the truth - a bad habit of democrats

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Gasp - more flexibility after an election? What a shocking statement.
Happens to be true, as always has been and always will be.

world view - the only way

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the post makes sense is if you live in the paranoid world of spy, double agent, triple agent with backflip + twist, etc, etc. Try taking an honorable man at his word and that he literally means what he says. No mumbo. No jumbo. No voodoo.

First show us the "honorable" man" - Not Obama any way you spin it

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Can you imagine the uproar - sm
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if George Bush or Dick Cheney had made that comment. The lefties would still be talking about it today. But because Obama said it, then it is okay. What hypocrisy!

How can you be happy about that statement? - sm

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call me crazy....and I'm sure many of you libs who disagree with me will...but that statement sends chills down my spine...and not in a good way either. It basically tells me that once he is re-elected, God forbid that should happen, that he won't care what anyone thinks and will continue to push his hurtful agenda on this country, spending more money that we don't have, and giving our government, particularly himself, more power over our lives.

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