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Drinking the Kool-Aid

Posted: Mar 1, 2010

"I’m not sure who initially attached the term “drinking the KoolAid” to the Obama campaign.  The tragedy is that now the campaign has become the administration.

And it is getting serious. Nancy Pelosi has basically asked the democrats to sacrifice their careers on the altar of “Comprehensive Health Care.” Saying the following:

Lawmakers sometimes must enact policies that, even if unpopular at the moment, will help the public, Pelosi said in an interview being broadcast Sunday the ABC News program “This Week.”

“We’re not here just to self-perpetuate our service in Congress,” she said. “We’re here to do the job for the American people.

But the American people do not want it and if they do this reconcilition, she knows it is an end to many a legislative career.  They will be voted Out.  Poll after poll shows they are going against the will of the people, with about 80% disapproval of the Congress.

She is asking them to “drink the KoolAid” for what she and the Obama Administration perceives to be the greater good.  Will they do it?

Some 30 years ago, the progressives of San Francisco embraced Jim Jones and his People’s Temple and vice versa.  He was associated with many familiar names like Jimmy Carter, Mondale, Former Mayor of San Francisco, Willie Brown and others.   See how San Francisco was captivated by Jim Jones.

“It was raw politics. He was able to deliver what politicians want, which is power. And how do you get power? By votes. And how do you get votes? With people. Jim Jones could produce 3,000 people at a political event.”


“Before he became infamous for leading 913 people to their deaths [by instructing them to drink a KoolAid mixture laced with poison] in the Guyanese jungle, the Rev. Jim Jones was the darling of San Francisco’s liberal establishment — a man who could spread the wealth to all the fashionable charities and, at a moment’s notice, marshal thousands of followers for a good cause.”

He for the most part enjoyed a fawning press as well, although some were sounding warnings and alarms but apparently nobody listened.

“The Rev. Mr. Jones had just completed what were said to be two resuscitations of parishioners who had either fainted or gone into catatonic stiffenings in the general excitement.”


There are parallels. 

He offered his people The Great Utopia, providing shelter and health care, food and they were good but too gullible people.  They wanted to be cared for and provided for.  He offered them sustenance but delivered death.  They called him Father, and even thanked him as they were drinking the poison.  See this You Tube just to prove that this was for real and not some opinion or wild story. http://www.youtube.com/watch#v=ij1GaFT-kQM&feature=related Warning:  It is very disturbing to listen to but what happened, happened.

The American people do not want a Father figure.  We would prefer freedom to provisions.  We prefer life to death.

Do we have any democrats who for the sake of honor or even for pride want to go down in history as heroes for saving America?

Words of Wisdom:  If we don’t learn from history, we will repeat it.  The definition of insanity is repeating the same thing over and over and expecting a different result."

Posted:  03.01.10  Wordpress/bella


Kool-Aid quiz - NJ

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The Kool-Aid thing is a leftover from the previous administration. Rove pulled back from the 2008 election because he didn't want to be on the losing side and, without his genius to spin things, the unimaginative republicans had to recycle things they'd already heard and try to apply them to Obama (see the post below implying Obama has a drinking problem for a another great example of how it currently works).

Meanwhile, take the test to see if you are a Kool-Aid drinker. Post your results below!

I can proudly say I scored 0.


Right...everything that is happening, will happen... - see message

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and even happened before George Bush was born is all Bush's fault.

And on top of that what kind of a test was that. I scored a 0 also, but it was definitely written by a liberal to poke fun of anything a conservative might believe. Was very "odd" (for lack of better words).

So go ahead...keep drinking.

A moderate! Welcome! - NJ

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It's good to see moderates here who lean republican. Welcome!

Just to be clear, you know the scientic community believes in global warming (aka climate change), know Bill Clinton was exonerated in Whitewater, do not believe intelligent design belongs in the classroom, do not believe Fox News presents balanced coverage, do not believe Saddam had WMDs, do not believe Bush did anything about pork, do not see gay marriage as a threat to straight marriage, don't buy that Reagan single-handedly caused the dissolution of the USSR, don't think Rush and Hannity are excellent news sources, don't support data mining of US citizens, don't think Bush did all he could to prevent 9/11, don't believe DeLay was honest, do know Christians can be democrats, think human rights apply in Gitmo, know the 2000 election in FL was funky, know the middle class wasn't the beneficiary of Bush's major tax cuts, know patriots can question war, know Bush was told Katrina could wreck NO's levies, do not believe Kerry wasn't a war hero, don't believe the Saddam/bin Laden link, don't find Coulter's crap contributes value, don't think all environmentalists are just hippies, don't think 9/11 is justification for Bush's foreign policy, know it's wrong that so many are without health insurance, know driving a small car is a good thing, believe in regulating markets, and don't believe taking care of Corporate America means the rest of us will all be ok.

Whew! That's quite a refreshing change. I look forward to debating the things you and I DON'T agree on since you seem to be able to distinguish fact from fiction.

It's been posted before (ad nauseum) how many libs here have pointed out problems with dems/Obama, so the Kool-Aid arguement (parroting the criticisms of the previous administration) doesn't hold water. We don't agree with everything being done, like you evidently don't agree with everything done under Bush.

So, is there something specific you'd like to take up?

What a condescending post - see message
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You might want to come down off that liberal high chair and not be so condescending. No need to write all those ridiculously stupid questions that was in that quiz. Once was enough.

That is the problems with liberals though...they think they know better than others, and for some strange reason seem to think they can distinguish between fact and fiction. However, your posts prove otherwise.

That "kool-aid" quiz was one of the most ridiculous and stupid quiz's ever written, but it was written by a liberal so doesn't surprise me.

You of all people should be talking about knowing fact from fiction.

You and I will not be having any further discussions as I learned a long time ago to ignore condescending people. You have just proven why I do and why my life is better for it.

Is there anything specific I want to take up? With you??????? Not if I want the truth.

Goodbye...hope you don't get a nose bleed way up there.
You scored 0, right? - NJ
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Actually, I was excited that a generally-conservative-occasionally-liberal poster was engaging in discussion. In posting about the quiz, I hoped to show everyone that not all people who disagree with Obama and the dems are wingnuts who drank the Kool-Aid.

But this second post of yours makes me not at all sure you were truthful about scoring 0 on that quiz. You seem testy that your views were brought to light.

You didn't lie to us about your score, did you?

What exactly did you find condescending about the post? - All NJ did was try to welcome....
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you, compliment you by saying you sound like a reasonable person (beware those first impressions) and invite you into a civilized discussion. Do you always go this ballistic when someone is trying to be nice to you or is that a punishment reserved for liberals only?

I am not going to get into an argument about this - for NJ too - see message
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There was no compliment there (at least to me I could not see one). NJ is very liberal all the way. She's even far more left that many liberals on this board, but at least you can have a conversation with them. Only if you agree with NJ is the conversation good. It appears (of course I could be wrong), but what was obvious to me was that she did not like that I didn't praise the liberal quiz up and down. When someone who is a far hard left liberal says "A moderate! Welcome!" what would you think? People who are independent and conservative can also score a 0 on the quiz. That is if they can get through the nauseatingly sarcastic questions that were in the quiz.

The way she worded her post was very condescending to me - "A moderate! Welcome!" "Just to be clear", "Whew. That's quite a refreshing change". Then if she is a moderate and I am a moderate why would she say she's looking forward to debating things we DON'T agree on. Since I "am able to distinguish between fact and fiction". And, on top of that she states that liberals have posted "ad nauseum" the problems with the dems/Obama. Ummm...I don't think so. The liberals have never taken responsibility for the things going on in this administration, it's just easier to blame all current, future, and past problems on Bush. And yes, he left the country in one big mess, but nothing has been done to try to even fix it. And of course nobody expected it overnight. But we also didn't expect him to continue on with what got our country in the mess in the first place... Bush, Obama, Bush, Obama, nope...same thing...no difference (except Obama speaks better). But then again these problems are not Obama's fault. It's the people behind the scenes I worry about. Obama just does what he is told to do.

Can you not even see what was condescending in that post? If she was truly speaking from the heart, and by some miracle she has become a moderate, then my apologies to her. But I don't need condescending in my life. As "M" from James Bond said "If I want sarcasm I'll talk to my children".

If she was being sincere and I took her post wrong my sincerest apologies. If she was being "sarcastic", then it's just not worth my time.
In a word, NO. NJ was excited, not condescending. - sm
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Compliment: That's quite a refreshing change. I look forward to debating the things you and I DON'T agree on since you seem to be able to distinguish fact from fiction. Trust me. Coming from a liberal, that’s a compliment, whether you can see it or not. She was acknowledging (though mistakenly) that you as a worthy opponent in a debate. Just because you can’t see it behind all your obvious prejudice against liberals, does not mean it wasn’t there.

I have been reading this forum for a long time and I have never seen NJ go beyond sarcasm and fact citing in her posts. She certainly does not stoop to the levels of insult you heaped on her for no good reason. Perhaps it is those pesky facts that give you such grief. After all, what else could make you go into such a tizzy over so-called “condescending” liberals, who do admittedly maintain very healthy relationships with facts and do not go running for the hills in denial, throw fits and tantrums and descend into slamming and slurring frenzies when confronted with them.

On the contrary, NJ seems to be one of the more reliably responsive posters, especially when it comes to informed debate. Like many other libs, she has little time for the petty and trite, given the serious nature of the country’s state of affairs. I will presume to correct you and say that only when you are respectful is a conversation good with NJ, who often engages discourse with opposing views. Agreeing with her (unlike you) is not a prerequisite.

You are wrong in your perceptions about praising the quiz. In fact, she was more about being excited over the idea of encountering (mistakenly) a fair and reasonable person. When a human being, regardless of what side of the aisle they come from, says “A moderate (another compliment)! Welcome!” the very last thing I would think is that meant she was upset that you did not praise her quiz. I don’t know what I wound think if I were dealing with the handicap of prejudice you seem to embody. Furthermore, I found no sarcasm in the quiz questions. They were simple statements of facts and differing political views. But then again, I pick my battles wisely and choose not to make mountains out of mole hills, whether real or imagined.

Now your next passage is rather dicey, since it is so void of logic, but let me give it a shot. She’s not a moderate. We have established that, so your scenario seems to add nothing but confusion to the conversation. She would say that she is looking forward to debating things you don’t agree on (like many libs enjoy doing with folks who are level headed, logical, well informed and respectfulâ€Â¦another implied compliment, whether you know it or not) because, like many of us on this board, she is looking for goal-oriented dialog that addresses the broken system. This is the NJ I know from the board. I’m simply not able to fathom how you can twist this into some kind of high insult.

She is also correct to say that libs and dems are self critical. It’s true. We are not that stereotypical monolith conservatives try to portray and that your own prejudice seems to falsely validate.

I refuse to engage your oxymoronic argument over responsibility and Bush. Lost cause. Waste of time. You sound a bit paranoid when talking about the people behind the scenes. Obama gets advice and makes decisions. That’s his job. What’s the big deal there?

In a word, no, I see no condescension in the post. But I do have a question. Why would you only apologize to her if she morphs into a moderate? do you restrict yourself to moderates only conversations? Are you not big enough to simply admit that you over reacted and that your reply was inappropriate?
Slants - NJ
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Be careful. You are on such slanted/prejudiced ground you might fall over.

You make a rookie internet mistake in trying to attribute tone of voice to my post. You assume sarcasm when there was none. There's no excuse for that unless you live in the land of hyperbole. I've been sarcastic, so I must always be sarcastic. I've defended Obama/dems, so I must never find fault with them.

The refutations to those assumptions are right here on this board. But it does show how you view the world as black and white.

So, did you really score 0 on that quiz? Or were you trying to pull a fast one and you got upset when I listed the things you and I agreed on?

Yes I did score a 0 - see message
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Thank you for your reply. I surely don't need other people to tell me what you should have. I don't know what hyperbole means so I'm not sure if you are paying me a compliment or not (and I am certainly not going to assume one way or the other).

A lot of people make assumptions on this board. I'm not the first and I'm sure I won't be the last.

I do take offense to being ganged up on and being talked down to - get enough of that from my family.

But yes, I really did score a 0 on the quiz, however I don't see how anyone wouldn't with the way the questions were worded. I'll bet Michael Moore wrote them himself. HA HA No I wasn't upset when you listed the things you and I agree on, I just thought the questions were so stupid to read them again all I could think of is "does she think I am stupid that I didn't get them the first time"? LOL

I will try to be more "un-sensitive" in my posts. I have been reading your posts for quite some time. I don't think I have ever agreed with you on any of the political topics unless it's about gay marriage, religion and social issues like that. So now that I agree with you on these issues listed on the test, does that mean you are becoming a moderate or have I become a hard lefee? HA HA

I certainly do not view the world as black and white. There are many posters who will not falter from their beliefs no matter how much evidence you can put in front of their face. Truthfully, I find myself changing my mind about issues on a frequent basis.

Again, I do apologize for what I construed as sarcasm. I get defensive when I feel people are condescending to me. It's just the Irish in me. :-) And I also appreciate you answering my post. I believe you and I can have a civilized conversation without a bunch of people jumping on the bandwagon.
Than I'm still happy - NJ
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I could infer from your post that you are politically conservative and socially liberal (most of the time ;). That (no sarcasm) presents the opportunity for true political debate and that excites me.

So, we're back to...

Thank you -see message - see message - Lillybell
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Thank you NJ - I just posted a longer post below titled "Okay - one more reply". I am pretty confused right now as to who I keep replying to, so wrote some words about me.

You are correct about me. Pretty good on your part. I am very socially liberal, and politically conservative, but not on all issues. I don't like what a lot of republicans are doing, and they certainly are saying some of the most assanine things lately (but I also get defensive when people trash everyone who is a conservative and for no good reason). On the other hand I also don't like what a lot of the democrats are doing. I just don't feel like anyone is representing the good of the people of the country.

I will not take any of your posts as sarcasm in the future. I do enjoy political debates, and always open to learn new things or new ways of thinking.

Sorry, I don't see it but bravo for the apology at - the end. nm
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What is with the attitude? NJ is a reasonable - person and I can see what
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you could construe as being condescending. NJ clearly thought you were a reasonable person as well and then you went and proved her wrong. Really, if anyone has any potential nose-bleeds here, it is you. Chill out on the full frontal attack for no particular reason.
Oops, that is I can NOT see what you could - construe...nm
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I agree. The venom and personal attack is completely uncalled for. - sm
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Is that the way you relate to your family, friends, coworkers, etc., whenever you confront a difference of opinion? Insult, harsh criticism, generalization, stereotype, trivialization, belittling, personalizing, dismissal, self aggrandizement and ever escalating negativity?

Wow. If anybody's posts need to be ignored, it sure wouldn't be NJ's.
Who are you responding to? - anon - nm
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Quiz - cmmcd472

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Stupid quiz, I didn't finish it. What does any of this have to do with medical transcription?

oooohhhh bad choice of words - but I agree with you

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This is the politics board. I used to get them mixed up too, but look at the top of the screen and in a little box it says politics, so that is why it was posted. Not a problem though...we all get it mixed up at times.

But you are 100% correct. It was a ridiculous quiz written by a liberal. I was going to stop half way through while reading the condescending tone of the ridiculously stupid questions, but I did finish. Funny that I am conservative on most issues, liberal on very few issues and I scored a 0. Just was a waste of brain cells to do it. Guess that's why I'm not a liberal. LOL
Nice, another moderate ^^ - NJ
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To quote from my post above:

Just to be clear, you know the scientic community believes in global warming (aka climate change), know Bill Clinton was exonerated in Whitewater, do not believe intelligent design belongs in the classroom, do not believe Fox News presents balanced coverage, do not believe Saddam had WMDs, do not believe Bush did anything about pork, do not see gay marriage as a threat to straight marriage, don't buy that Reagan single-handedly caused the dissolution of the USSR, don't think Rush and Hannity are excellent news sources, don't support data mining of US citizens, don't think Bush did all he could to prevent 9/11, don't believe DeLay was honest, do know Christians can be democrats, think human rights apply in Gitmo, know the 2000 election in FL was funky, know the middle class wasn't the beneficiary of Bush's major tax cuts, know patriots can question war, know Bush was told Katrina could wreck NO's levies, do not believe Kerry wasn't a war hero, don't believe the Saddam/bin Laden link, don't find Coulter's crap contributes value, don't think all environmentalists are just hippies, don't think 9/11 is justification for Bush's foreign policy, know it's wrong that so many are without health insurance, know driving a small car is a good thing, believe in regulating markets, and don't believe taking care of Corporate America means the rest of us will all be ok.

Cool! And again, since libs have expressed their disappointment with dems and Obama here on this board, the Kool-Aid drinking doesn't apply to us either.

So, are there specifics you'd like to talk instead of using the broad brush with the dried-up Kool-Aid paint on it?

Not you again....do you just enjoy hearing yourself talk - over and over
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You have expressed your dissappointment with the dems and Obama here on this board?????? Uh...sure you have.....what a nice literal moderate you are...welcome.

There was really no need for you to copy and paste the same exact message here that you did above. We all know how to read.

Happy drinking.
let's play Ambush! nm - heavysmoker
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Not sure who you are referring to. I didn't start it. - over and over
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If you are referring to me, do you have anything to add to the conversation?
If you are "see message" from above, you - absolutely did start it when
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you took a very reasonable post from a reasonable person and jumped down her throat along with a few nasty "liberal" remarks. Did you skip your meds today or something?
Oooh, hey thanks for the insults too - over and over
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And if you are "heavysmoker" maybe you shouldn't start jumping on the bandwagon throwing insults into conversations for the fun of it.

Yes I am "see message". I wrote see message because I wrote a message in my note.

If I am wrong and take something out of context I will be the first to apologize. Maybe you should wait and see what people are talking about before jumping into something you don't know what it is about. Do you jump on and go after the people who make nasty "pub" remarks? No, I didn't think so.

I take no meds here. Maybe you should take yours. It's not nice to jump into conversations you don't know and try to start trouble.
She's right. You did. The rest of your post is - completely incoherent, so
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I am wondering about the meds, too.
No, I am not heavy smoker. I am the also the - person who thanked you
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for offering the apology to NJ. My mistake. And you did take it out of context. And I have been in this conversation all along.
Okay - one more reply - over and over
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Because this is getting way too confusing and I don't know who is replying to who, let me just say this.

I apologized to NJ, and will continue to apologize in the future if I ever take something out of context. We all make mistakes. It's not my first and I'm sure it will not be my last, but I will own up to my mistakes.

If I have offended anyone in any way I also apologize. What I don't like is being blamed for the same things other people do to me - I'm not saying you in particular, I am saying in general on this board.

I am of Irish descent and have been told I have a hot temper. I try to keep in in line, but when I feel someone is being rude, arrogant, or condescending sometimes I let the better (or worst) of me come out. I am not perfect by any means and will not try and offend people in the future and stick to issues.

I have very strong feelings for what is going on in this country. I didn't like what the last administration did and I don't like what this administration is doing. I fear the country has reached a point beyond repair. I want jobs to come back for everyone and I want decent health care that is affordable for everyone. I do not want to be taxed anymore money because I feel I am being taxed enough, and have a hard time making ends meet as I am also helping people in my family who are unemployed. I'd like the war to end one day and I don't care whether a republican, democrat, or independent ends it. Oh yes, and I'd like to not be lied to by people in congress whether they are a democrat or republican. I don't feel government represents the people, again whether or not they are democrat or republican. Oh yes, and I did not vote for McCain/Palin or Obama/Biden, and yes that still entitles me to have an opinion. The best thing about not voting though... no matter how bad it gets it will never be your fault. LOL

So my apologies to everyone that I have really p.o.'d here today.

Lastly...my real moniker is Lillybell and I will always use that in the future and no "one liners" from me.
With the question - see message
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or snarky remarks about "did you skip your meds today," or "you need to up your meds," as I have seen the libs throw out there on a daily basis, one wonders how many libs take "meds" compared to Conservatives.

I am willing to bet there are more libs that are on "meds" than any Conservatives who frequent this board or in the whole wide world for that matter! :)
People really should wait for replies - see message
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before jumping on the bandwagon and trying to start arguments. I doubt some read my reply before jumping on just so they could have the fun. Some people I guess just feel that because it's anonymous they can say whatever they want.

I posted as to why I was upset at NJs post and why I took it the wrong way, and I also stated that if she really was sincere then my apologies to her. Maybe people should leave our conversations between us before they start in with trashing. NJ is a big girl. She's dished it out and I'm sure she can take it. I know I can. But like you say, people jumping on accusing me of something when they are right there doing the same thing they are accusing me of with statements about meds... Well like you say there are probably more libs on meds than the conservatives who frequent the board.

People are entitled to have a difference of opinion, but ganging up on someone when they don't know that person...well not something I would do. Just doesn't give me that thrill.

Support for HCR decreased as GOP input increased. - sm

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This watered down version of health care reform is an insurers giveaway that throws policy holders a bone here and there and does very little to actually reform health care delivery or insurance pratices. We all know how this happened.

Otherwise, there is nothing worth commenting about in this wordpress article. I will leave the Kool-Aid, greater good and Jim Jones analogy trash bag out for the garbage collectors to pick up.

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