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Defaulting on our national debt is an impeachable offense.
Posted: Oct 15, 2013

Didn't realize you could impeach all of Congress simultaneously. - if only
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Better check your sources on that, or better still read that Constitution the insurgents falsely claim they so staunchly uphold. Paying the bill is Congress critters' gig. Good rule of thumb. If Mama I-can-See-Russia-From-My-House Grizzley told ya so, it MUST be false.
Yes, it would be great to spend a ton MORE $$ - to waste time with this BECAUSE
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The senate will NOT vote for impeachment - and it will make him even more of a hero - willing to be impeached (but not removed from office) in order to protect AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE FOR those who are dying without it.
Seriously, why does this woman - deserve any airtime?
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She is a total ZERO
To some, of course. But is her statement false? - No, hun, it's not.
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It might as well be... cuz the Senate will never - confirm an impeachment
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just sayin
Interesting... - gg
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...that Sarah Palin posted on Facebook that Obama raising the debt ceiling without Congress is an impeachable offense. Then she goes on to say that Obama doesn't raise the debt ceiling, we should impeach him. What exactly does this addle-brain want him to do?
For the record, I can do without the condescending "hun," thanks.
He can stop spending money like a lunatic, that's what, - sweetums.
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No he can't. Not without a budget. - TP's nose spites face. nm
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Then why hasn't he given us one in 5 years? - Another ? that will go unanswered. (sm)
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You people are a riot. Always trying to act so intelligent, when in reality....well, you know.
We all know the answer to that. TP gamey sham - has been exposed
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Their overplayed shutdown hands put it all out there, and their ongoing default threats issued an open invitation to the public's close scrutiny. Check out their disapproval numbers which are shooting through the roof as we speak for more details.
What does that have to do with no budget in 5 years? - ??
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Two - words.
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GOP obstruction. It's becoming the stuff legends are made of.
Of course it's false, Hun. - sm
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Have you ever read the Constitution? What does it say about who is responsible for budget and bill paying? Therefore, how do you figure ANY articles of impeachment can be drawn? Is the TP really interested in seeing the GOP lose the House and handing over control of Congress AND the White House to dems? That's exactly what you will get by even thinking about initiating impeachment proceedings, especially while the GOP enjoys a 74% DISapproval rating. Recent generic candidate polls already show the GOP loss of the House to be a distinct possibility. Impeachment would insure it.
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