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Bill Clinton proposes blowing the well

Posted: Jun 29, 2010

How irresponsible is this!


There are fissures on the ocean/gulf floor. What would an explosion of that magnitude do?

He says the idea is being considered. I'm scratching my head on this one.

He proposes a plan to send the Navy to do this then dump and pile all kinds of stuff.


The Impeached One should keep his mouth shut - about stuff he knows nothing about

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He's a failed impeached past president. Every time he speaks I scratch my head. He should go back to Harlem or whereever he is from and learn to keep his mouth shut. He's talking about something that the consequences could have a major devastation. Blow a hole in the bottom of the ocean floor...oh yeah, that's a good one.

I sure hope the people who are in charge are smart enough to not listen to this person who clearly does not know what he's talking about.

Where did you go to school? - Gee

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The man has more education than you, and he even went to Oxford. He's very intelligent, has access to a lot more information than you do, and I hope you realize you look foolish. Telling him to go back to Harlem is rich, considering he and his wife have always worked for civil rights, the rights for blacks, and then Hillary lost after Obama pulled the race card. And her husband's office is in Harlem because GWB's people complained the office Clinton wanted (wasn't it in the World Trade Center?? funny they lost their chance there) was too expensive, so he went to Harlem because he is comfortable with black people. He grew up around them. I think that's wonderful he did that, helping to make Harlem less feared.

I think you should take your own advice about knowing what you're talking about.

Just because Clinton went to - sm

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Oxford doesn't mean he knows what he is talking about on this subject. A college degree doesn't mean squat if you lack common sense. There is such a thing as an educated idiot.
You are right! - sheri
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And this wonderful educated idiot was a great supporter of NAFTA and we ALL know how well that worked out. Oh yes, quite a hero, this self-serving uber politician.

College degree alone does not make him an authority. - Different poster

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I don't think Bill Clinton is stupid, but I also think he's got no business in chiming in with the how-to's on this. I agree that he is one of the smarter presidents we've had. However, his education was in law, not petroleum engineering, not environmental engineer, not any of the maritime sciences.

Would you want a lawyer doing your appendectomy? Or a dentist designing seismically safe structures? You almost get the feeling that he can't bear to be out of the spotlight so he keeps thrusting himself into it.

Did I say anything about his education? No, I did not - about stuff... - see message

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I never said anything about his education. He could have gone to Oxford, Harvard, Yale, and any other top schools. It doesn't mean he knows what he's talking about. Just because you can sit through classes and take tests does not mean you know what you are talking about on every subject on earth. I'm sure they didn't have classes at Oxford about the gulf disaster and blowing holes in the earth in an ocean.

One should not assume that because someone is on this board that they do not have an education. You really don't know where I received my degree and that is not the issue. He's talking about something he has no knowledge of. He does not know what it will do. The guy is an idiot when talking about this subject matter.

Telling him to go back to Harlem... that where he lives. Last I heard he lives in an upscale apartment/condo in Harlem. Therefore, as I stated he should go back to Harlem (or where ever he lives now) is an accurate statement. The country would be better off if he went back, shut the door and we never heard another peep from "The Impeached One".

Oh yes, poor Hillary and Obama pulling the race card? Geez....now I see where you're coming from....poor Hillary, they stole it from her. The precious.

You actually think that because Clinton moved to Harlem that Harlem is less feared??? Really??? Didn't ever hear that anyone feared Harlem before he moved there. But wow, all because of "The Impeached One" nobody fears Harlem.... All I can say is...wow. And on top of that he went to Harlem because he's comfortable with black people...oooh, another Kudo to the great Impeached One. You must be so impressed with the Impeached One. I'm very happy for you.

I spoke about the situation at hand and what Clinton is spewing. I didn't mention anything about his education, civil rights, how the election was stolen from Hillary (ha, right up there with Gore), the world trade center or any of the other garbage you threw in. As per your own words...I hope you realize you look foolish.

But hey, I see worshipping The Impeached One (aka the first black president) works out really well for you. Best of luck to you.

A comment about one thing you said - anon

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Dillary did not lose after any "race card". She lost all on her own every time she spoke. From her disturbing statement about staying in because we all have to remember what happened to Robert Kennedy. What kind of person would say something like that. Even the people at MSNBC said "she said what???". Made people wonder what her plans were. Thank GOD he didn't pick her as a running mate, because right now we'd be remembering a fallen president. Every time she spoke her credibility at knowing what she was saying went away. The country saw her for what she exactly is. Telling people Obama is a coke dealer, secretly a Muslim, among all the other dirty campaign tactics she used. Her phony crying performance saying how much she cares about the people. She learned very well from The Impeached One how to turn on and off the tears in a second. It might have been more realistic if she actually had tears when she cries. Then there was the performance of pretending to pump her own gas (which she must have had to take a Valium before hand to do that), going inside and she couldn't even operate the coffee machine to get her own cup of coffee. And the list goes on and on and on. Luckily the country didn't buy it. Then you have her telling one group of people she's from their state, then goes to another function and claims she is from their state. By the end of the race people were saying how many clones does she have because she claims she is from at least 8 different states. Then there was her fake accent depending on what part of the country she went to. Then we had her lies about when she and her daughter went to Iraq she landed and had to duck for cover as there was live ammunition going off over her head. The country found out that was a lie too. Her campaign was built on lies and that is why she lost the election. Not only that but she had absolutely Zero experience to fill the position.

As for your beloved Impeached one, what a slap in face at black men that he came out and said he latched onto the label "The First Black President" just for political reasons. He only cares about the black people when they will vote for him.

So this "race card" thingy you are talking about is just another lie like Hillary's campaign was. Besides...you do know that Obama is half white don't you? She tried pulling the gender card though.

I voted for Obama to keep that thing out of that position. I'll vote in the future for anyone else to keep her out again. She's sitting by with her claws ready to pounce again. For the sake of America I hope that never happens.

Amen to that, sister! You said it perfectly - This poster needs to look

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in a mirror before making comments like this.
Ahem....I am that poster - see message - about stuff he knows nothing about
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What in the mirror am I supposed to be looking at exactly? I'm not the one out in front of the public camera's and on TV talking about blowing a hole in the ocean floor. He's the one spewing his ignorance on this topic? Therefore, your comment makes no sense.

Did you not read my reply to the poster who made such an azenine remark. I did not mention anything about The Impeached Ones education. I could care less if he went to the top 10 schools in the world. He does not know what he is talking about when it comes this issue. He did not study what happens when you blow a freakin hole in the ocean floor where there is a potential volcano sitting underneath it waiting to rupture. At Oxford he studied government and played Rugby. He did not study drilling, science, engineering, or any of the fields needed to understand how to fix it and the consequence of blowing a hole in the earth. Some of the top scientist in the world do not even know how to fix this mess (and they are the ones who studied and have years and years of experience in this arena), so sorry but the beloved Impeached One does not know what he's talking about.

Second...did you not read my statement that The Impeached One lives in Harlem. Hence the statement "He should go back to Harlem or wherever he is from and keep his mouth shut" is an accurate statement. You do know he lives in Harlem, don't you? Last I heard he owns an upscale condo/apartment there and that's where he lives.

Third, dragging The Impeached One's wife into the subject and how the election was stolen from her and the trade center and how The Impeached One is comfortable around blacks had nothing to do with the topic at hand.

If being infatuated with The Impeached One is your thing then I'm happy for you and hope that's working out for you, however, I will repeat....

The Impeached One does not know what he's talking about when it comes to blowing a hole in the bottom of the Ocean where there is basically a volcano underneath the ocean floor. He does NOT know the effects and devastation of what that will do by ripping a hole into the earth. He should keep his mouth shut when it comes to this subject matter and let the experts deal with it. He needs to go back home to Harlem shut the door and learn to keep his mouth shut.

His rugby and pot-smoking Oxford days are for an entirely different thread.

I am no Clinton fan, but what is YOUR bright idea - to solve this, huh? ! nm

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