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Apparently the President of Egypt

Posted: Sep 12, 2012

"might be planning to attack free speech in the U.S. by using international “justice” against us. He has reportedly asked the U.S. to go after the filmmakers of the inconsequential anti-Mohammed film trailer, The Prophet.* Moreover, he has allegedly said he plans to sue us under international law."

Um...why are we still giving money to these A-holes?  I do not understand why we continue to give financial support to people who obviously dislike us!!  We helped get rid of Mubarak.  Yes, the man was a dictator, but he was also a dictator who would work with the US.  Now we have this new guy who obviously doesn't care to work with the US.  IMO, we should have left Murbarak alone.  At least he wasn't murdering his own people left and right like Bashar al-Assad is doing and yet we leave him be. 

We need to wash our hands of the Middle East.  Let those people fight their issues out amongst themselves and stop wasting American lives and our money on them.  It isn't worth it.  We need to find a way to become self-sufficient with energy including solar, wind, hydro, coal, natural gas and oil.  Once we don't need their energy resources, we can tell them to go straight to Hades.

And yes...I am extremely angry after the events of today!!!


One of the criticisms against Obama - bootstraps

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is that he left Iraq high and dry without any residual troops.

I feel like I need to preface this question with...this is not one of those confrontational politics board questions... but do you think he was correct in withdrawing troops in Iraq? Which would be one step in washing our hands in the Middle East.

I agree with you in theory completely about being energy independent, but it seems like the roots have been dug so deep... and with the potential for nuclear weapons in Iran. Even if you take the oil out of the picture, it's still complicated.

And regarding the film, I understand free speech, but I also understand how some people like to push buttons to get a reaction, make trouble, and gain notority. It may be legal, but it's just not right.

I don't have all the answers - Trigger Happy

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on the Middle East issue. I have mixed feelings as a whole. We have done nothing but waste American lives and our money trying to make things the way WE think they should be over there. Yes, we left Iraq high and dry but the better question, I think is this...should we have even gone there in the first place let alone pull out like we did? Once we took out Sadam, we left that country open for the terrorists to flood in. Hate Sadam as much as you want, but he was brutal enough that he kept the terrorists OUT of Iraq. With him gone the country is now flooded with them and we just up and left. I don't know the best answer.

I do, however, know that no matter how many lives we loss over there or how much money of ours we spend over there...they will never be at peace. The religious battles they have going on over there will never cease to exist and no matter how much we want to "help" them...we are only hurting ourselves in the long run.

Iran having nuclear weapons does scare the bejesus out of me. Not because I'm afraid Iran will use them, but because I'm afraid they will more likely sell that stuff to terrorists groups who will use it.

As for the video, I think the video had something to do with what happened recently, but I believe they would have probably done something like that sooner or later anyway. Those people frigging HATE us with a bloody passion. Yes, we have freedom of speech and yes, I hate it when stupid people exercise that freedom....Westboro Church is a very good example of that.

I wish I knew an easy solution to the Middle East issue but there just isn't one. It seems like we either get involved totally and loss more lives and spend more money or we pull out altogether. So far our interference has actually hurt us more. Mubarak and Gadaffi (sp?) were buttholes but at least they were friendly with the US and would work with us. So did we really help in the long run...I don't think we did, but that is just my opinion.

Agree and - boostraps

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Thanks for a great response.

The fringe always seems to be the problem.

I was listening to NPR tonight, and I don't remember who said it, but it was in response to the film and the Westboro Church, freedom of speech and the exclusion of screaming fire in a crowded theater. The person who was talking said the world is a crowded theater right now.

The middle east dynamic would be intriguing if it wasn't so frightening.

Egypt 101 - JTBB

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I think what you have to keep in mind is that Egypt's new president, Morsi, two years ago would have been one of those folks protesting against that film. I'm not saying what he should or shouldn't do either way, but you should realize he is in a tough spot right now. He can't very well put out a public statement that would go against his supporters condemning the actions of the protestors when he himself was once one of them.

I just watched Maddow a few min ago, and a segment on her show really made me think. Things pointed out were A) it happened on 9/11, b) most of these protests don't come with bombs and the like that hit the embassy. I think there was potentially another force at work here.

I know most of you hate Maddow, but you should really just ignore anything she says politically and just listen to the facts in the segment, including what she thinks Obama is poised to do.

I have yet to see her get something like this wrong. See link.

Egypt 101 - Good clip

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This is a good clip connecting a lot of info. I think this is a very confusing part of the world for most of us. If a man like our ambassador who was killed who knew the region well, spoke Arabic fluently and had lived there for years got caught in this it has to be extremely complicated and difficult.

What might the man be poised to do? - Can't watch Miss Maddow.

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I didn't watch her 'cuz I'm one that don't like her but - backwards typist

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I've been hearing the same thing all day long by other news stations...yes, even Fox News.

I do believe this is the case of terrorist using the film as a way to rile the regular citizens up against their governments, not only the USA.

I had heard that this film was out for months. Now, all of a sudden, they are protesting...on 9/11?

It was only recently dubbed in Arabic and promoted by...sm - VTMT

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the instigators just in time for a 9/11 terror reminder.

US aid to Egypt was last released in March - before the election of MB

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Just how jeopardized future aid to Egypt will be in light of the election results is yet to be determined. Middle Eastern democracies will not produce leaders who serve at the behest of US interests. The Arab Spring has opened new challenges to US diplomacy in the region that will STILL revolve around cooperative global efforts in the war on terror. By definition, the ME cannot be excluded from the picture. Washing our hands of the Middle East is not an option, unless and until that scenario includes cutting Israel loose....like that's gonna happen anytime soon! You cannot have it both ways.

If anything, this recent spate of embassy attacks by various extremist groups paints a picture of post-Al Qaeda terrorism. Taking a line from President Obama's statement last night, this boils down to diplomatic foreign policy between the US and newly emerging entities that are neither friend or foe. Indeed, their governments are in their nascent stages of evolution.

Ultimately, whether these countries' go the way of moderation or extremism will be in the hands of their own populations and is something that will play out over time, More than likely, the outcome will not hinge on a single set of circumstances, such as the ones we find ourselves embroiled in at the moment. It would seem that yanking aid to them at this stage of the game would only serve to tip that precarious balance away from a favorable resolution in terms of American regional interests.

Those interests do not exclusively revolve around energy. In fact, oil has nothing to do with the motives behind these embassy attacks. Throwing our hands up and saying, "oh, well" while wishing international terrorism would simply disappear is a bit simplistic, isn't it?

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