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99% Spring

Posted: Apr 14, 2012

Oh, sounds like fun time at 99% Spring Training.  Is this what Moveon.org and Nancy Pelosi calls "grass roots?"


Moveon.org has launched a massive recruiting and training program across the country to prepare for a “99% Spring in America." Here is a link to several videos, including Van Jones being interviewed by Chris Hayes on MSNBC.

They are enlisting disaffected Americans to join together to take on the wealthiest 1% in the name of social and economic justice, stating, “You could be a part of a huge wave of progressive direct action this spring. Learn how to practice nonviolence in the spirit of Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. at a 99% Spring action training.” The email continues, “We're coming together from every corner of our movement to provide in-depth direct action training to 100,000 people from April 9 to 15. The goal is to pave the way for a 99% Spring filled with a huge wave of progressive direct action nationwide.”

They will be staging rallies across the country on Tax Day to demand that the 1% pay their fair share and plan on gathering en masse at shareholder meetings of several Wall Street banks, confronting “dirty energy polluters, and corporations that refuse to treat workers fairly."

With unemployment continuing at record highs, the environment is ripe for Progressive mischief.  But there is a deeper issue here that needs to be addressed.


Hope they include GE, Apple and Soros - in their stampede for feigned "justice"

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I can't help but find it rather funny - Trigger Happy

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that our president talks about the rich paying their fair share and yet all these rich democrats who could voluntarily pay more in taxes....DON'T. What's that all about? If they feel they need to contribute more because they are rich, then why aren't they? No one is stopping 'em. However, I do hear many stories about democrats not paying what they were supposed to...OOPS! How'd that happen? Their bad, right?

I'm rarin' to go. I hope this is an active summer for - OWS, with major growth of the movement.

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Yes, because we need more people - Trigger Happy

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protesting by peeing and pooping on things that aren't theirs instead of placing the blame where it should be. Amazing so many people hate Wall Street but still want to vote for the politicians who were in bed with Wall Street.

Trigger Happy nailed it-OWS major hypocrites all - Total loser pigs

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No respect for them at all. Major damage in my city because of those slobs, doin' exactly what you said. They are pathetic, pitiful, misfits desparately looking for a place to belong. How about they try the job market? Oh wait, they would have to bathe, bursh their teeth, comb their hair, change into clean clothes and actually CONTRIBUTE to society, rather than drain it dry...they're too lazy for that to happen and too consumed by laziness. Ready, set go FLAMERS!
Yet fails to mention the contribution OWS has made - to framing the
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national dialog on a number of topics that, until their movement, were largely ignored by the media. As a consequence, these same concerns have been integrated into multiple campaign issues:

1. Income inequality.
2. Economic stagnation of the middle class in the face of unprecedented increase in wealth for the upper class.
3. Executive pay has doubled while average earnings for workers has declined by 10%.
4. The greed and corruption of banks and multinational corporations.
5. Fair share tax and distribution of wealth disparity.
6. Corporate influence on politics.
7. Jobs, jobs jobs.
8. Cost of education.
9. Need for student loan reform.
10. Citizens Unite repeal.
11. Campaign finance reform.
12. Banking and securities reform.

Not too shabby, considering they have only been around for a little over 6 months.

I don't see living like pigs and destroying property as being constructive. - n/m
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and I don't see how ignoring their impact on campaign issues - is being constructive either
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Guess we'll just have to agree to disagree, so you take comfort in your name calling and I'll just have to settle for the satisfaction of seeing their issues being addressed by the presidential candidates. K?
What name calling? Have you seen the pictures? A pig sty looks cleaner. Get real. - n/m
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OWS are pigs - sm
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Their filth was so bad, the RATS were leaving the tent cities. People on here only have to look at OWS' own pictures indicating which areas were for defecation and which were not- so bad they could not tell them apart!!!

You cannot get through to the ones on this board that are into their little Obama-loving, socialist/communists rants. They have no knowledge of history and it shows in the ridiculous, nonsense posts they make. Could not wake them up if you smacked them in the head with a 2 x 4 (probably just break the board).
How about a tap between the eyes with a cement block? Would not make a dent unfortunately. - n/m
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would only end up with - cement dust - nm
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