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Has anybody used a tennis elbow strap for tendinitis?

Posted: May 12, 2011

Did it help with the pain.  I have really REALLY bad tendinitis at the top of my forearm at the elbow.  My mom and stepdad have both used those velcro straps your wrap around the upper forearm and swear that the band helped and their tendinitis went away.

I'm trying to avoid a cortisone injection which my doctor is insisting I need.  I'm not a fan of needles, as I'm sure no one is and I've heard cortisone injections are painful.  This is my first bout with work-related ortho "itis" in 20 years of being an MT.  I have been taking 1600 mg of ibuprofen a day and I am constipated and my stomach hurts horribly whenever it's empty.  I've been icing my arm at night and have ordered some carpal tunnel typing gloves, although I'm not certain that will help my upper forearm.

So help me avoid the needle!


My DH uses one - Shirl

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and one of his friends does too. They swear by them.

I've been using one for years! - NYMT

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When I went to my doctor about it, I was afraid I would need injections or even surgery, the pain was so bad. This little Velcro strap just seemed way too easy, but it worked. At first I had to wear it almost constantly while I was up and around, meaning for the first few months. After that I only needed to use it as I felt the pain starting. Depending on my current form of movement, I guess, I can get pain in either arm but it's usually the left, and I'll wear it on whichever arm is firing up.

I highly recommend it! You may need some ibuprofen in addition at first, but after a few weeks or months you'll feel quite a difference. It's about four years later for me, and my strap generally sits on my desk and gets used just a few days in a six-month or so period.

Tendinitis - travelinmt

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I used a strap when I had it and it really did help. Let me tell you a cortisone shot will fix it far faster than anything else. They numb you pretty well before they do it and it hurts for maybe 15 seconds. Compare that to the pain you are having now and consider listening to your doctor.

The other thing I wanted to mention is you said you were icing it? I was traveling on a road trip with my mom when mine was at it's worst and the air conditioning blowing on it just about killed me. You might want to try warm moist heat and see if it helps you. I take a small hand towel get it all wet and fold it inside a 1 gal size ziplock bag, leave the bag open, not sealed and put in in the microwave until it is hot. Be careful when you take it out, seal the bag, wrap it in another towel and just lay it on your arm. It really helped mine. That was what a PT told me to do when I was in PT for another problem and they wanted me to use moist heat.

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