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Posterior tibial tendinitis?

Posted: May 2, 2014

Hello my fellow transcriptionists,

I have been having problems with my ankles for the last 2-1/2 years.  It started on my right side not long after my 2nd son was born in 2011.  Now, it is on the left side as well since about a year! I went to the podiatrist and he gave me some insoles for my shoes anda night splint to wear, but I am not on my feet a lot and I don't run, so I was wondering if using the foot pedal could do it.  I know I have fallen arches, but since I am not on my feet doing vigorous things a lot then I wondered if it would be from using the foot pedal.  I noticed I do tend to position my foot flexed to where the inner ankle is stretched.  I have been trying to be conscious in how I'm positioning to see if it helps. 

If any of you have had this what did you do to help it?  Meloxicam helps a lot, but I don't like to take a lot of medications. 

Thank you :)


Could be a repetitive injury - see msg

[ In Reply To ..]
Just as in typing, our feet tendons can get messed up too. I make sure I don't flex or extend my feet as well as my hands. I have been doing MT for 15 years (most of it straight typing) and never had a lick of trouble.

Another thing I also do is switch feet once in a while. It's awkward at first, but you can do it. I sprained my ankle big time once (non-MT related) and would not have been able to work at all if I couldn't use my other foot.

Best of luck.

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