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A handsome stranger in a sports car pulled into my driveway and...
Posted: Feb 14, 2012

Yelled through the window, "Hey is your name Briana?" - Sorry, I couldn't resist! nm
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when I said "no", he looked crestfallen and drove off. - nm
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or so I thought, then he pulled into my neighbor's driveway and... - nm
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stepped out of the car with a dozen long stemmed red roses... - nm
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He looked desparate and cried out, Briana, Briana please come out - so we can
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Actually, he wasn't desperate all, he was just looking for... - nm
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the sister of the evil Briana... the good witch Glenda - nm
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He just wanted to flaunt the roses in front of Briana because - nm
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The scent of the roses - pushed her into reckless abandon
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and then magically the handsome stranger.... - nm
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find it wasn't Briana at all, it was his long lost... - nm
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oh baby :)
...handsome stranger - Baglady
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...pulled into my driveway and said, "Hop in babe...you've put up with this MT mess long enough. I'm taking you outta here." : D
you get my vote - wheres_my_job
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although red rose aren't bad either:)
It turns out he was just turning around and - did not want anything from me.
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But since he was conveniently turned around - I gave him a little something anyway
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I'd rather just have the weeds - or weed, rather
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puff puff pass
but if I can't have the weed(s), I'll settle for... - nm
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