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Vitamins and Supplements

Posted: Sep 6, 2010

I supplement my diet with several different vitamins. (A, B-complex, C, D, Fish oil, and E). I had a Dr. visit last week and my physician told me that he does not believe in taking vitamins. He said it was a big scam.

What is your opinion. Would you trust this doctor? Do you take supplements? Am I taking too many?


vitamins - dr oz

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I like Dr. Oz. I only buy vitamins from vitamin stores and not drug stores or wal-mart--- synthetic do not breakdown in liver correctly. Dr. Oz says some vitamins and supplements are good.

My doc has me on a whole host of vitamins... - Anon

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of course, I have had gastric bypass surgery, but I take iron, a multi-vitamin, vitamin B12, vitamin B1, vitamin D, vitamin C, a B-complex vitamin, calcium and I think that might be it, but it might not and I don't care enough to go look. However, this is my doctor's recommendation after blood tests and all that.

There's documentation on both sides of that discussion - Happy MT Robin

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I've seen a lot of stuff that says if a person is eating a really healthy, balanced diet then they probably do not need supplements. How many of us eat a really healthy, balanced diet, though? Not me. I've also seen some stuff that says that most vitamins are not absorbed because of the stomach acid, etc., but I'm not sure how accurate they are.

However, I have also seen a lot of stuff that says supplements are good for you. I know all of the doctors I type for (Oncologists) want women especially to take a calcium and vitamin D supplement. Personally, I take a multivitamin, calcium and vitamin D, and kelp. The vitamin I take has iodine in it and I take the kelp for the iodine because I don't eat seafood and I use very little salt. I know if I go for several days to a week and forget to take them then I really start to feel extra tired and run down and within a few days of remembering to take them faithfully I start to feel better. Is it mind over matter or does it really work? Who knows.

You're only taking too many if YOU feel you are taking too many. If what you are taking makes you feel better, both mentally and physically, then I say keep on taking them.

As to trusting your doctor... I trust doctors, but to a point. They have a better formal education than I do, but they're still just human with human feelings and beliefs. You might ask your doctor to elaborate a bit more as to why he thinks vitamins are a scam. I always take what the doc says and then research it a little bit and then make my own decision.

depends. - deenibeeni

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In general, vitamin supplements remedy deficiencies but don't confer a benefit if you take over the RDA. Any water-soluble vitamins in excess of what your body can use, you pee out. Had a nutrition professor years ago who used to joke about having "the world's most expensive pi$$."

That said, there are some data from legitimate studies that suggest antioxidants in amounts over the RDA can have cardiovascular benefit, but according to the following, the jury is out.


Fat-soluble vitamins (A,D,E,K) can build up in the liver, so toxicity is a possibility if you overdo these.

It's worth looking up the current research on the supplements you take so you know why you are taking them. Or doing a dietary analysis to see if you are actually deficient. I would not trust someone who works in a health food store to be informed on scientific data, but not all doctors have extensive training in nutrition, either. If you're serious about it, I'd do a session or two with a registered dietitian. There are also quite a few nutrition programs that you can buy or use online that will let you input your diet & get an idea where you stand nutritionally.

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