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Buy Vitamins, Supps NOW WHILE YOU CAN!!

Posted: Aug 25, 2010

If you buy vitamins or other supplements, that freedom will soon be LOST!  The spectre of Codex Alimentarius has been hanging over us for several years (see below), but last month (July 2010) Obama signed an Executive Order (bypassing Congress!) to implement it.

This message is lengthy by necessity. If you do nothing else, please watch the M.D. on the YouTube video (THIRD LINK) explaining the frightening ramifications of Codex and learn what the UN has in store for us!

First, a primer on what Codex is (Some of this is dated) and WHAT IT WILL MEAN TO YOU


Your FREEDOM To Choose Your Nutritional Supplements May Soon Be Lost!

October 2006

Not much news has come out on CODEX since the middle of 2005. They have continued to have meetings, set guidelinesa and regulations, but real news has been hard to come by. This is not good for us as it appears things have gone 'underground'.

There is a short 28 minute documentary by Kevin P Miller of WellTV.com called 'We Become Silent', that we strongly suggest that everyone view. This CODEX-Cafta documentary, released June 27th, 2005, exposes the dangers of free trade and codex. Narrated by Dame Judi Dench.

Click here to see the documentary: We Become Silent

Right-click this link [WeBecomeSilent.MP4] and download the file to your computer hard drive, and play it with your video player. The file is 76.5 meg (28 minutes).

June 2006

Thanks to certain trade agreements the USA government has made "on your behalf," it is becomming more and more likely that the United States will be forced to declare high dosages of nutritional supplements as illegal and available only as prescription drugs.

By the end of 2006 it may be impossible to buy a bottle of your favorite vitamins without a prescription from your doctor!

According to Robert Jay Rowen, MD, author of the article "International War Against Health", when the U.S. became a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO), it agreed to act in accordance with the rules of the multilateral body.

What that means is that the United States is legally obligated to make sure our laws do not conflict with WTO laws, says Rowen.

Consequently, The United States will have to abide by the CODEX Alimentarius Commission (part of the World Health Organization), which has established these world guidelines:

* Dietary supplements sold over the counter must be limited to low or RDA dosage.

* Dietary supplements of high dosages-which are used as preventive or therapeutic purposes to fortify the immune system and stave off degenerative and chronic disease-must be obtained from a pharmacist with a prescription from your doctor.

CODEX rules are already in effect in some European countries, where Vitamin C, for example, is limited to just 50 mg per dose, compared to our products of up to 1,000 mg or powders of several thousand mg per teaspoon.

What can you do? Read through the articles below. Follow the links. Within them are suggestions on what you can do. PLEASE: Do everything suggested. Write your congressman, phone them, E-mail them, fax them, see them in person! Do that over and over and over and.....Believe us, this is about the only way the congress critters will listen. Bug them until it hurts!!

And, do not worry about any repurcussions. They will not go after you. If they go after anyone, it will be sites likes ours who are actively fighting what could become the end of our health freedom.

Summer of '05: Critical Time For Nutritional Supplements - This article does a great job of showing the links between what is happening in Europe and what is coming (soon) in the USA Congress.

Potential Impacts of the EU Food Supplements Directive. Great article! Again, read this for a peak into the future of natural health freedom in the USA.

Do These Three Events Signal The End Of Health Freedom Worldwide?

CODEX: Bridging The Great Divide This article brings you up to date on what will be happening at the July 2005 CODEX meeting in Rome where everything will be finalized.

United Nations Pushing For Complete Control Of The Internet (folks, they need this control to force CODEX on the world).

Survival As A Natural Health Practitioner In The Future - From South Africa. The pharmaceutical companies are attacking health freedom all around the world.

What We Are Up Against In The USA - A sign of things to come?

FDA Can Move Against Supplements With No Direct Proof - They can now ban pretty much anything they want, unless you get involved! They are already looking at kava kave, yohimbe, lobelia and other herbs!!

SECOND, the story about Obama's Executive Order (EO)http://arcanumdeepsecrets.wordpress.com/2010/07/04/obama-implements-codex-alimentarius-by-executive-order-in-the-u-s/

We knew that CODEX was right around the corner, and here it is, live and in color. Barry Soetoro, AKA Barack Hussein Obama, Imposter in Chief, on June 10, 2010, issued an Executive Order – Establishing the National Prevention, Health Promotion, and Public Health Council. In short, the CODEX council. The entire Executive Order is attached, but please read this part and understand just what it is saying:

“Section 6 (g) contains specific plans to ensure that all prevention programs outside the Department of Health and Human Services are based on the science-based guidelines developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention under subsection (d) of this section.”

In other words, ALL prevention programs, even those outside of the umbrella of the Department of Health and Human Services, must align with CDC guidelines, which are “science-based.” What do we take for prevention? Herbs and vitamins. Herbs that you grow in your backyard and vitamins that are not approved by your doctor do not fall under these “science-based” guidelines, and are not allowed. Therefore, this will effectively open the door to outlawing ALL disease prevention practices that use herbs and vitamins not prescribed by a doctor, and implement CODEX ALIMENTARIUS right here in the good old U.S.A. Thank you, Semra Orhon Hughes, for the heads up!

Here is the entire Executive Order:  (SEE LINK ABOVE)

THIRD, a video of Rima E. Laibow, M.D. explaining the ramificiations of Codex and what the UN has in store for us:



It does not get more ridiculous than this. - sm

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Bush signed the trade agreement. These are VOLUNTATRY guidelines. A ban on supplements is not imminent. The EO signed by Barry Soetoro, AKA Barack Hussein Obama, Imposter in Chief (got bias much?) establishes a council to develop a prevention and health promotion strategy to include labeling and packaging requirements for vitamins, developing criteria for the maximum and minimum dosage levels, and requiring that safety and efficacy are considered when determining ingredient sources. The VOLUNTARY guidelines are aimed at preventing OVERDOSING on vitamin and mineral food supplements. Other important issues involve the soluability, metabolization and anatomic storage of vitamins, factors that contribute directly and indirectly to vitamin toxicity.

My husband, who has hepatitis C, took unlabeled, unregulated, unscientific Thero-Dynamx fat burner as part of his body-building and power lifting routines without my knowledge. Halfway through the first bottle, his entire body and whites of his eyes were the color of French's mustard, his urine had turned to maple syrup, his bowels went first to tar color, then ash, and he became symptomatic for the first time EVER with an extremely debilitating "bilirubin itch." His enzymes were off the chart, he was hospitalized for 9 days, had numerous CAT scans, ultrasounds, MRIs, x-rays, blood draws 3 times daily and a liver biopsy. He then had to take protracted treatment for 9 weeks, during which time he was unable to work and lost 40 pounds. He almost lost his small business livelihood and became morosely suicidal, since the itching was so relentlessly intense (24/7), to the point of drawing blood after scratching. Sleep was a distant fond memory. The acute liver damage was extensive and pronounced and the expense was astronomical.

The minute it subsided, he was started on Pegasys and Copegus protocol, which he will be taking for at least 6 months, and possibly for one year. He is struggling with medication-induced insomnia, clinical depression, complete loss of appetite, debilitating fatigue, weakness and body muscle aches from head to toe. I count my blessings everyday that we have not yet encountered the vomiting, diarrhea, hair loss, profound anemia, diabetes, cardiac compolications, bone pain and other lovely side effects of chemo drugs that we could see sooner rather than later, since he is only 2 weeks into his regimen.

Based on my personal experience, safety standards, proper labeling and packaging, scientifically determined dosing, and precautionary restrictions on vitamin megadosing CANNOT HAPPEN SOON ENOUGH to suit me, and I am hoping beyond hope that it becomes MANDATORY.

FYI: Vitamin A megadoses cause liver damage. High dosing can cause headache, vomiting, visual disturbances, constipation, hair loss, loss of appetite, low-grade fever, bone pain, sleep disorders, and dry skin and mucous membranes and a doubled risk of birth defects in pregnant women. Vitamin D megadoses cause irreversible damage to kidneys and heart. Smaller doses may cause muscle weakness, headache, nausea, vomiting, high blood pressure, retarded physical growth, and mental retardation in children, and fetal abnormalities. Vitamin E megadoses cause upset stomach and dizziness. Vitamin C megadoses cause stomach pain, diarrhea and constipation. Megadoses of niacin raise the production of liver enzymes and blood levels of sugar and uric acid, leading to liver damage and an increased risk of diabetes and gout. Vitamin B6 megadoses may damage nerves in arms, legs, hands, and feet.

Vitamins - anon

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Thank you very much for taking the time to let us know the dangers of vitamins and supplements. I am very sorry your knowledge comes from such an awful experience with your husband. I hope things continue to get better.

Thank you for reading my post and for - the kind words.

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It helps.

Wow - Logical

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Well I'm very sorry to hear of your husband's woes. But many millions of people all over the world take supplements every single day without problems.

Should flying be banned because a few flights have resulted in crashes? Should guns be banned because there have been a few accidents? Should cars be banned because of traffic accidents?

This mentality of "government must 'protect' you" is a slippery slope that would never end if government protected us from everything. Should there be safegurads? Absolutely. But they are ALREADY IN PLACE and already applicable to supplements currently on the market. If the FDA is not doing its job (obviously they aren't; look at Baycol, fen-phen, and a whole plethora of dangerous PRESCRIPTION DRUGS that have been recalled) that is ANOTHER, entirely DIFFERENT issue than a BLANKET BAN on many supplements that ARE entirely safe.

Risks are not confined to hep C patients. - sm

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A friend of mine who had been an MT for 20 years experienced what she thought was a nerve injury to both wrists that occurred within hours of each other on the same day. She developed tingling and numbness that was basically in the median ulnar distribution which she attributed to BCTS, even though she never got the symptoms that typically radiate up the arm to the elbow that many sufferers wake up at night with. It was aggravated by tapping, contact with solid surfaces and objects and her hands were constantly prone to what she called repeated injury. The MD she went to see had her do conservative treatment, physical therapy, splinting and a medically supervised weight loss program on the off-chance that the CTS was being aggravated by her obesity. She had EMG and NCS and he recommended surgery on both hands.

She was afraid she would lose her job if she had the surgery, so she started to research the subject and came across literature on vitamin toxicity. Much to her surprise, she found out that her dirt cheap generic over the counter vitamin B6 contained 1667 percent of the recommended daily requirement and her Natrol Super B12 complex supplement, marketed as an energy fix, had a whopping 5000% RDA of B6. She eliminated them from her vitamin regimen and 10 weeks later, she was symptom free, having dodged the surgery bullet entirely, but not until she had racked up thousands of dollars in unnecessary medical expenses. Interesting that the B6/B12 risk component was not even on the MD's radar screen, huh?

Facts, Logic - Reader

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"Bush signed the trade agreement."

Nope. As stated before, Codex is part of the WTO. The U.S. joined the WTO in 1994. Bill Clinton was president in '94.


"These are VOLUNTATRY guidelines."

Nope. Read the full text of the EO that was included in the second link. In addition, I have anecdotal evidence, having traveled to and having relatives and friends in other WTO countries. Their supplement options are VERY limited compared with ours, *in accordance with WTO regulations,* just as my links stated. Do you have any links?

"My husband, who has hepatitis C"

Most people DO NOT have underlying liver conditions, yet you wish to impose restrictions on what others have access to in reaction to what happened to your husband. Should Tylenol be banned because a handful of individuals (who already had liver issues) developed liver problems after using it? Of course not!! BTW, because I had never heard of that supplement I Googled it and didn't see ANY attorneys hawking for people to sign on to a class-action suit against this company. (If you have any such links, please provide them.) That leads me to conclude that your husband's reaction to the product was very rare indeed.

So now I ask you the same (rhetorical) question you asked me: Got bias much?

Ummm...you do realize the WTO was the end game - and that the US was

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among the 23 founding member countries of GATT (the grandfather of the WTO), don't you? The original concepts, texts, practices, agreements, etc have been preserved intact within the framework of the WTO after 7 rounds of negotiations that spanned 46 years prior to its evolution into the WTO. This means that 9 presidents (Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan and Bush Sr), both dems and pubs, have upheld its principles and advanced its agendas. This is not an Obama-skip-Bush-Clinton blame game. Globalization is a fact of life that is not going away anytime soon.

I prefer my leaders possess at the very least the basic capacity to recognize, accept, embrace and deal with this reality and am not interested in supporting political agendas led by folks who think they can arbitrarily rewrite history to suite their own ill-conceived and uneducated initiatives. Of course, you are free to retreat back into the foxhole, grouse over the progressive march of time and plot ways we can set the clock back to the pre-WWII good ole days if you are so inclined, but do not expect the rest of us to follow suit.

Bias? Nope. Hard data? You bet. - A handful of individuals?

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How many millions or billions of folks can you hold in the palm of your hand? Groups at risk for vitamin toxicity:

1. 4.5 million Americans live with chronic hep B or C. For those of us who care about our fellow global citizens, the figure is 1 out of every 12, 8.3% of the population, or 500 million.
2. Pregnant women, postpartum women nursing a baby and children, numbers unknown at any given point in time.
3. Diabetics. 23.6 million children and adults in the United States, 7.8% of the population. 57 million prediabetics. Third highest incidence in the world behind China and India. 171 million worldwide expected to double by 2030.
4. Hypertensives. In the US, a whopping 74.5 million over age 20, or 1 in 3 adults. This is higher than the overall world-wide 1 in 4 percentage. As of the year 2000, there were 972 million people living with hypertension worldwide, and it is estimated that this number will escalate to more than 1.56 billion by the year 2025.
5. Cardiovascular disease. 17.6 million in the US. 8.5 million status post MI. Another 6.4 million status post stroke and 5.8 million walking around in heart failure. World stats on this are difficult to come by, but it is the number one killer and one can safely assume the numbers hover around a billion or so.

Other groups at risk for dangerous and potentially life-threatening interactions would be anyone taking: Calcium with heart medicine, certain diuretics, and aluminum and magnesium-containing antacids; magnesium with certain diuretics, some cancer drugs, and magnesium-containing antacids; vitamin K with blood thinners like Coumadin and St John\'s Wort, which is known to adversely effect selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) drugs (i.e., anti-depressant drugs), and birth control pills.

Certain vitamins affect heart rate and blood pressure during surgery and can increase bleeding time. Some toxic herbs still available to consumers include aristolochia (conclusively linked to kidney failure and cancer in the U.S., China, Europe, and Japan); yohimbe (a sexual stimulant linked to heart and respiratory problems); bitter orange (has effects similar to those of the banned stimulant ephedra, stroke being one of them); and chaparral (linked to liver damage). How about those side effects of ephedra before the ban, such as severe skin reactions, hypertension, irritability, nervousness, dizziness, trembling, headache, insomnia, profuse perspiration, dehydration, itchy scalp and skin, vomiting, hyperthermia, irregular heartbeat, seizures, heart attack, stroke, or death? The stats on the deaths are not available since they are not required to report them. In any case, the manufacturers simply replaced it with another toxic herb (burnt orange).

Tell you what. Suppose instead of imposing your herb and vitamin supplement industry foot-soldiering, wordpress-Obama-slamming, YouTube-informed free-for-all on all these at-risk populations, why not simply ignore the science (you are already doing that anyway), grow your own herbs, eat them straight out of the dirt, buy multiple bottles of OTC supplements, overdose to your heart\'s content and carry on with your blogospheric compadres in your efforts to disseminate as much anti-scientific, anti-government, anti-O, chicken-little hysteria as you possibly can? Then again, you could try shedding all that political baggage and appealing to your inner MT to help you overcome this adversion to science and absence of logic.


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