A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry


Posted: Nov 7, 2013

How do you manage stress?  Being a transcriptionist is so stressful these days with these companies.  Give me some ideas on how you manage your stress.  I am eating like there is no tomorrow.  I keep banging my keyboard everytime I get frustrated.  I need some help.  Give me some insight on how your way of managing stress has helped you.

Please don't be nasty with me or with anyone's reply to my question.  



Set a Plan - To Get Out

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I set a serious plan to get the heck out. Once I started the plan, I felt better. I sent out non-MT resumes like crazy, filled out online applications like crazy, took a class in Excel in case I needed that--you do these days for general office work.

One of my resumes finally "bit." It took several months, but I'm OUT. I was getting extremely discouraged at not finding other work, but something "bit."

If your main goal is the same as mine, try not to be too picky about where you are going to work next. The goal is to get out, and make at least if not more money than you are at MT.

In the meantime, try not to use food. Exercise is much better at maintaining relief of stress (food only works while you're chewing it, lol). Do some yoga stretching. Have a hobby.

Enjoy your loved ones. Most of all, don't take your stress out on them---they are there to enjoy, not be your punching bag. Love them up, go on picnics with them, walks, bike rides...

Destressing ideas... - clb

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I agree with the MT who told you to get out. Until you are able to do that, here are a few suggestions. I am currently doing these while I'm waiting to get out as well:

Walk/play with your pets if you have them.
Long hot shower/bath.
Cry it out.
Read a magazine or book.
Engross yourself in a hobby you enjoy.
Bird watch.
Baking. This helps me to slow down and follow step-by-step directions, plus I have goodies to eat afterwards.
Watch a funny TV show or movie.
Give yourself a mani/pedi or facial at home.
Couponing! It's my favorite. It's fun for me and gives me something to look forward to like my next shopping trip.
Call a friend or family just to chat.
Cup of tea and a blanket.
Play games. Cards, board games, online, videogames.
Go outside for 5 minutes and get some fresh air/sun (weather permitting).
Write a penpal.
Come on here to MTstars just to chat with other MTs in your same boat for support, venting, questions, etc.

Basically anything not related to work that makes you happy. Good luck!

Kava, vitamin B stress complex, - exercise, meditation.

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When all else fails, wine.

Agree with most of the suggestions so far, especially - sm

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exercise, sunshine, healthy diet, laughing, leisure time with friends and family, doing something nice for someone else.

The thing that helps me the most, though, is my faith in Jesus. "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." :)

Religion can help - see msg

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Religion can surely help those inclined towards religion. I don't believe religion (or any one thing) is the be-all, end-all.

If I had to pick one be-all, end-all, it would be keeping my heart open to those I love. It is amazing how we take out our stresses on those we say we love the most.

Love them, enjoy them, take them into your heart.

exercise, B vitamins - sm - just me

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I agree with so far everybody, my personal thing is walking, I go to my happy place when I'm walking. I also journal, and the B vitamins have helped a lot. I also rot my brain with happy TV shows but this board I do NOT know what I would do without it!

watch Stress, portrait of a killer, on Neftlix NOW - or you can find it on you tube

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Please watch this as soon as you can. stress is extremely dangerous.

Suggestions - Anonymous

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Maybe a change of scenery would help. Rearrange your office or relocate to a different room in your house. Get away entirely and go take an exercise class (Yoga, Zumba, Pilates, water aerobics or just get out and go for a walk. Knit, or learn how if you do not know. Do a jigsaw puzzle, work on it for a few minutes every day. Read. Draw. Get some coloring books. I know that probably sounds silly, but you'd be surprised how relaxing that can be. Watch an old sitcom, either on TV or on streaming video, laughter is a great stress reliever. Go out to lunch with your friends once in a while. Those are just some things I would do, hope it helps.

I agree - About laughter

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To the OP, I agree with the laughter this poster suggested. Gosh, I feel soooo good after a couple of hours of good belly laughter with my family or friends. We get goofy and just let it rip. So much fun.

You know, that's an interesting thought about changing where you work. I no longer do MT--I'm the one who suggested having a plan to get out--but I found that my work station was a place of doom and gloom, and even going near it for non-work reasons, set me into a funk.

I also have another suggestion that helped me at the time. I "decorated" my work area with pretty and fun things like little knick-knacks, a pretty pen holder, a tiny soft teddy, pretty candle. I've always had a bulletin board on the wall where my desk is for "work-related" notes, and I put some pretty ribbons around that and it made the whole thing nicer.

I also would spray myself with a relaxing scented body spray.

Some people have fish aquariums for relaxation, but they're expensive, upkeep is not easy---but these days, they have channels on TV with fish aquariums and soft music. Other option is to put a mural of sorts on a wall of your work area that you can easily see.

If you absolutely cannot get out of the business for whatever reason (disability, transportation problem, out in the boonies), do have a plan to de-stress using some of these suggestions.

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