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Does anyone else stress about everything?

Posted: Jul 6, 2013

There does not seem to be a single day, even off work that my head isnt spinning about getting work done!  I never seen to be able to relax.  I've been to counseling, taken pills, exercised, no no avail.  I worry about my future, by bills, the security of my job, having no benefits, not enough food, needing to find a new job, yet not being able to take the time off work to find one!  I'm wondering how you all cope.  Any one have any ideas how to quell a panic attack, to keep a clear focus?  I find that my stress even hinders my work, which we all know we need to keep up with as most of us get paid per line.  


I can think back 20 years ago and I KNOW I was calmer!  


Do you have an ADHD diagnosis - If so...

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...you need to speak to your doctor.

If not, I will say that I tend to worry more now, but I think it has to do with my age (58). I think when you reach a certain age (for me, it was 48-ish), you start to really start thinking about hour health, what's going to happen when you retire, things like that.

Not sure what kind of work you mean; as in MT to pay the bills?

Anyway, I honestly have a recommendation--Yoga stretches, if you are reasonably physically fit and don't have any physical disorders. Give it a try. It's very relaxing.

Agree with yoga. Meditation practice techniques - work for me,

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deep breathing, biofeedback, taking walks, especially in scenic surroundings, long hot baths by candlelight, sometimes with music, other times in complete silence and reading fiction or nonfiction about subjects of interest....anything that helps mentally transport me away to a more enjoyable place.

Look at your situation - It is stressful

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Most MT jobs are very stressful right now. You AEE going to worry about it because your job is not secure, you don't know if you will be able to pay your bills, you have no benefits, no insurance, no retirement, and you might very well not have a home or food soon.

You aren't just stressed out for no reason. You are stressed out because there is stress in your situation. That's why the counseling and the pills didn't work.

Stress like that can overwhelm you to the point that you are paralyzed and unable to help yourself. However, helping yourself is what you need to do.

Start taking steps to get out if your current situation. Look for another job. Take classes. Change careers.

I know it isn't that simple, but that really is what is wrong and what to do about it.

Also, this isn't necessarily ADHD.

She used to be calm, so - Cannot be what she diagnosed herself as

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I don't think people just wake up one day with ADHD. Maybe she was being "cute" with the term, but it sort of throws us off when people do that. I don't even know if that's what ADHD people do.

I think we all have very good reason to be stress cases. Do some self-care---relaxing time with your loved one/loved ones, soft music, hot bath...

Yes - sm

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Yes, I am stressed, but I'm in the same boat with everyone else and I don't think to the extent you are. I have 1-1/2 days off work. Sometimes I feel I should be working, but some times you have to take a break and give yourself time to relax. When you say your head is spinning about getting work done, what do you mean? Is your job too difficult for you, or that you need to go faster. If your job stresses you out so much it might be beneficial for a change of direction. Something not so stressful. I can't comment on counseling or pills because I've never needed that, but yes I do stress. I too worry bout my future. As in my health. I'm in my early 50s, but typing all the reports I do I know that anything can happen, but I take vitamins and try to eat the best I can and stay healthy. I worry about my future because of the state the country is in. Just gotta keep plugging away and hope things will turn around. I've had to stop reading parts of the board here because it was all too negative. I worry about different things that affect the world, the country and my life personally. Health, economy, disasters, all that stuff is on my mind all the time, but I can't worry about it where it will make me sick. I just get up, do my job the best I can, eat healthy, take my vitamins, and watch a good comedy now and then to get my mind of things. If you keep stressing you will make yourself sick. Just take each problem you are having one at a time. Don't try to tackle them all at once. Find out which is the most important one and work on that first. Once you have a solution for that, then tackle the next problem. As they say Rome wasn't built in a day. Try not to be so hard on yourself either. Things will work out.

Yes, who isn't these days - AuntieM

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Years back, there did not seem to be so much uncertainty floating around. We always knew if we worked hard and achieved, we would be successful. There just does not seem to be the rewards anymore for hard work and achievement. Times have changed and right now seems to be particularly difficult in the world. It's not just Americans but the whole planet is full of discontent. All you can do is plug away. You are not alone. I think a good diet, herbals, exercise and stretching routine go a long way. Main stream media doesn't help. They always paint a rosie picture and rarely tell the truth about much. Say a daily prayer of gratitude for what you do have.

out of - the box

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Since nothing you mentioned is helping you relieve stress, you may want to get a kinky partner who is hypersexual.
LOL - wheres_my_job
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you just relieved some of my stress right there, with your advice!

Right there with ya! - Jen

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Heck we can't help but be stressed with the crap we deal with now. I was just laid off and can't find another job making even half what I make here. I've been failing all my transcription tests online, but I've been a transcriptionist 12 years. There's so much competition for work. And less work available anyway. It's a LOT to deal with! You're not alone!

Sad - my solution

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Sadly my only solution for the stress is think at least I have my health or at least I don't have to go to chemotherapy. Not much else to do except think things could be worse. I believe it is just about everyone who stresses in today's economy.

The politicians who allowed job outsourcing should be imprisoned. They sold us out. But they keep getting richer as the American citizens get poorer based on their greedy decisions.

yoga - mtr

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I wish I lived in a - state

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where I could buy "stress relieving" baked goods legally. LOL.

Is this accompanied by a sense of being overwhelmed... - EscapeFromMT

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... by the prospect of standard household chores? I recall being completely overwhelmed and incapable of moving because I had to clean the kitty litter box, take out the garbage, AND get the mail. I felt embarrassed to admit that to my doctor, but she said it was classic of adrenal fatigue. Saliva test confirmed.

If this sounds like you, your adrenals could be shot.

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