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Some nerve!

Posted: Mar 29, 2011

So, DH and I went to the doc's office today for his schedule appointment.  he has had a nasty case of bronchitis this spring.  Well, he went on ahead and registered, got all the paper work done and didn't have to wait long and they called him back.  I had gone to say hello to one of the gals there that I know and when I went to the waiting room, DH was not there.  I assumed he had been called back so went to chat with my friend some more.

Fast forward to this afternoon.  DH is playing on his computer, on his facebook and has a "friend" request from a lady that he doesn't know.  He messages her asking where she knows him from and she says to him "don't get angry,  but I got your information from your records.  I was the clerk at the doc's office and you smiled and said hi to me."   He didn't "friend" her but was laughing about it when he told me.  I was LIVID!   Working in this field I know that is a HUGE no no!  and I wanted him to call the office and report her.  He doesn't want to cause trouble, because she'll know who reported her...

as if THAT isn't enough, SHE CALLED HIM ON HIS CELL PHONE in the afternoon!  He told me he just said he couldn' t talk and hung up. 

I gave him until tomorrow morning to call the office and told him that if he didn't I would.  He said he will.  I told him it is the PRINCIPAL of the matter!  This is illegal!  (plus she's behaving like a crazed stalker woman!!)  Who knows what else she's getting off the charts other than names and email addresses!  How many other men's privacy has she invaded!  I think I've got it through his peanut brain.  He was so busy being flattered that he didn't realize that it's an invasion of privacy and against the law. 

I tell ya ladies, we're not safe anywhere!  Trolls are everywhere!  Well that troll messed with the wrong little bald man.  He's all mine and she's gonna get a piece of my mind that's for sure! 


she's a goner - sm

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She should be fired immediately. She's a nut case. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.

you go girl. - n/m

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Wow! Is nothing sacred any longer? Personal info OR marriage? - Alias

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What gall! I don't think I would be satisfied with just her being fired! Unbelievable!

Happens all the time - travelinmt

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Years ago I was working at a large HMO when my husband and I split up. One of the guys in housekeeping decided he was in love/lust/whatever with me. He got my address and phone # from my chart in Med Records. This guys was a class A stalker, he called me late at night and if I answered he would be at my front door ringing the bell in 5 minutes because he knew I was home. He stalked me waiting/watching me to come home at night. It was scary as hell because there were nights the kids were with my ex and I would be going into the house alone. I went through pure hell with him including having him arrested in front of my house, he slapped me in the hospital parking structure, picked my kids up when they were walking home from school and walked in the front door with them. He went in my office and found the vacation schedule, I had it hidden on the bulletin board behind other papers. The day before my vacation, he left a card in my desk drawer telling me to have a nice vacation (that one was the final straw and I got him fired). He got P&%%$# and started calling my ex telling him we had been having an affair for years.He was a nut case and made my life a living H#&&.

About 5 years ago I had a workman's comp injury and they sent me to some seedy clinic. The nurse was a guy, and just like the story posted here, first he called me; said he found a necklace in the exam room and was it mine? He kept calling me and calling me and I would be getting his calls when I was on assignment in another state. He drove me nuts, but I figured the clinic was so seedy it would not do any good to call and report him. A male friend of mine got sent to that clinic for an injury also and the girls started calling him (he was married), the doctor ordered back massages for him and these girls were doing the massages and not professional. He went to another doctor and they kept calling him asking him when he was coming back to the clinic again.

HIPPA is only as good as the people who chose to obey it. People who see nothing wrong with trying to hook up with a patient will not even think twice about the privacy of your records.

Report her immediately and demand that she be fired. Show her no mercy, she went too far when she took the info for her own personal use. Let the doctor know you are outraged that his employee accessed your husband's medical records in direct violation of HIPPA. Let him know nothing less than letting her go will be acceptable to you. Your husband won't demonstrate the outrage that you would because, let's face it, people don't get the whole medical record privacy/HIPPA act.

That girl should be fired - Can you say gone!

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I would not even protect this one. For one thing she is legally bound to protect any patient's records, and she went into your husband's files to find the address and then sent him a message!! Talk about bold!!!! This girl deserves to be fired because this is very serious, and I wonder if she has done this before. Plus, she knows he is a married man. This is a direct insult to you as his wife, and to your husband. This makes me so furious, and I know what I would do.

I agree - Freebie

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I agree with everybody else, call the doc's office, that's just a bit scary to me and boy would it ever make me furious!

Please let us know how it turns out! NM - Anon

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Had the same thing happen at the personal property - Kendra

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office on a base in Washington state. After the woman called and asked my husband out on a date and he told her no (this was after he ignored several e-mails), I went into the office and she told me that "he could do better." I complained. Nothing happened. I hope that you get more satisfaction than I did. :D

I'd go up in there in person and demand to speak to - the office manager and my physician.

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I would demand her firing. And I'd confront HER before walking out of that office. If my physician didn't care either way, then I would fire him.


Went back this morning - Redda

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We went back this morning and asked to talk to the HR person and to the doc. After a very long wait we were called back in. (She was there, pretended she didn't even see DH. ppbly thought it was another check up)

The doc was M-A-D and the HR guy couldn't apologize enough. DH asked what was doing to be done and they said that she would be given a written warning and would have it put into her records. He said it is grounds for termination and she had been given a verbal warning for some other "indiscretion" a few months ago. I gave them the print out of the FB page too.

We left the office and doc and HR man stayed behind, presumably to talk about what they were going to do.

As we left, I went up to her and "advised" her not to NEVER, EVER contact my house, husband's cell phone, or computer again or I would take legal action. She looked she was going to cry and her co-workers just stared wondering what the heck was going on, so I said to them, "your little friend here apparently likes to steal personal information from the records and try to get dates!" and we left.

I hope hope hope they fire her!!! I guess we'll see when he goes for his next follow up! :D

Way to go. You were correct in going back - sm

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in person and speaking with HR and the doctor. Can't wait to hear if she is still there the next time you go.

glad you did it; we need more people like you. - n/m

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I'm proud of you and your DH. Ya done good! NM - Anon

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Way to go, girl! Bravo!! - nm

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You did the right thing - travelinmt

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Glad to hear your followed-up. Your parting comments to her infront of her co-workers was great. Make sure you post and let us know if the she still there the next time you go into the office.

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