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Rude or not?

Posted: Jul 11, 2010

If you are in the hospital and do not want to see visitors, is it rude to have a sign placed on your door that says "No visitors"?

Or if someone, who may have driven well over an hour or so, does come in, is it rude to tell them to leave?


Not IMO. I'd ask nurse to put up No Visitors sign - You're Entitled

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No matter what the reason (I've been in the hospital and not wanted to see ANYBODY, so I can relate), if you choose not to have visitors, it is not rude and it's your right. I'd tell nursing staff you want to see NO ONE and ask them about putting a "No Visitors" sign on the door. Hopefully, that will send whomever it is whose come-a-calling to go find out from the nurses "what's wrong" and they won't go past the sign.

Hope you have a peaceful recovery!

I think it's rude.......... - sm

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People don't come and visit you in hospitals because they just love the hospital or love the drive getting, there, etc., sooooooo when they come to see you, because they care for YOU, it is VERY rude, in my opinion, to just have them turned around at the door.

A short visit, on the other hand, should be understandable, considering the person IS in the hospital and would understandably not be feeling their best. If after a short time you said, "I'm sorry, I am really drained, do you mind if I get some rest now?" that would be fine, but to just turn them around, no, I think that is VERY rude.

not rude - at all

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My husband and I have discussed this kind of situation. If I would happen to be in the hospital for any reason, other than having just given birth, I don't want anyone but immediate family allowed in my room. I try to respect others in that way as well. Quite frankly I think it's rude for people to drop in unannounced when one is in the hospital anyway. I feel that is very personal and, IMO, it would be like me walking in the bathroom while someone is in there and visiting. lol. There are plenty of ways to let someone know you are concerned about them while they are a patient.... flowers, a card, a phone call, etc. I think it's intrusive.

Rude or not? - Eurosepsis

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I think if there was already a sign on the door stating "no visitors" and someone came in, regardless of how far they have driven, it would not be rude to ask them to leave. It would be rude on their part not to respect the sign and/or the wishes of the patient. If there was no sign on the door, then I would think a short, 5-minute, visit would be in order and then exuse yourself, saying you are tired/not feeling well.

I always think it is better to state beforehand that you would rather not have visitors. I do that all the time. I personally think it's weird to visit someone in the hospital. Obviously you are not feeling well, so who would want company at a time like that? Obviously someone having a baby would be different but even then it would depend on the patient.

It is not rude at all - sm - NYMT

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I have been hospitalized several times, and even having the people I love the most (husband and kids) visit would exhaust me.

I believe that anyone, in any circumstance, not just hospital visits, who drops in unannounced is the rude one. In this day of cell phones and myriad other easy means of communication, there is never a need to "drop in." Of course, I'm one of those adapted types who could not tell them to go away, either, but I'd probably get really sleepy really soon!

Rude or not? - OHMT

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I think it is rude for people (other than immediate family) to go visit in the hospital. If I am in the hospital then I am obviously not feeling well AT ALL and the last thing I need to be doing is entertaining visitors! There are phones, send cards, but please let the poor person who feels so badly in peace.

rude or not - Tara

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I just had a baby a few months ago and I had a sign put up. I also would not let my other kids post any news or pics about the baby on facebook or otherwise until I got home from the hospital. Having a baby is hard work and I wanted my rest while I had the chance. I didn't want a ton of visitors tiring me out more than I already was or bringing in unnecessary germs. Some people just don't think. When I have previously given birth and allowed visitors, I had friends come to visit with their kids who had colds and coughing, etc. so this time I said no way. If I was in the hospital for something else, sickness or surgery, I would feel the same way. It's the last place I want to entertain visitors.

rude or not - magsnfla

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I think it's rude to come to hospitals to visit sick people. First of all, there is no rest while you're in a hospital - someone is poking or prodding and there is constant noise even at night. Then there are the trips to the lab, x-ray, etc.
I wouldn't even visit a family member unless I asked ahead of time whether they were up for a visit or not. A quick phone call is how it takes to find out.

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