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Just turned the big 4-0

Posted: Oct 13, 2011

I've wk'd at home for 10 yrs and have very few "close" friends to share w/ but  thought some fellow MTs, might "get me."  The last 3 months have been rough.  The comp I loved for those 10 yrs was bought, my pay and self-esteem tanked, my accounts were suddenly gone, I spent 10-12 hrs/day trying to get in an 8-hr shift, hubs didn't understand, cat was lost by sitter while I was OOT, and my g'ma died the day I got back.  Doc prescribed an antianxiety med as my BP was way high and I told her everything, a med I swore I'd never need as I was always laid back and comfortable.

My 40th bday was this  week.  Got a box yest from my bro and was in tears...from laughter, for a change.  It had ton of gag gifts in it about my age (he knows I could care less about that).  I was also hired by a new comp a month ago and just ended my first full pay period.  I LOVE it.  The med is helping as I no longer smack hubs upside the head when he pulls a stupid traffic maneuver, but my bro's gift made my year.  Hope there is an upside for all of you stuck w/ that sucka$$ employer who keeps beating you down.  There is a light at the end of the tunnel.


Happy B-Day to you and thanks for sharing! - mthead

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Welcome to the 40s! Age is just a number, but I feel better with every decade that I enter. On a personal level, my 20s were good, 30s were great, and 40s have been outstanding. We're not getting older, we're getting better!

Happy Birthday!! Age is just a number.... - yochana

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until you look in the mirror. LOL. Hope you had a wonderful Birthday.

Happy Birthday - to you!

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Sounds like things are looking up. Good for you!

Happy Birthday - prpldaisy

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to you! I'm right behind you. I turn 40 next year and am not looking forward to it! Glad things are looking up for you.

40? Ehhhh, you're just a youngster! (I'm 60, and - still a youngster, too!) Happy B-Day!

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from the Meerkat

Sincerely thank each one of you - OP

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I was sure there would be at least one who would tell me where to stick my new-found happiness. I've just been through some tough sheeite lately yet a lot is getting better but none of my friends/family get ot, and I so appreciate the positivity from y'all. Sincerely hope things are well or at least getting better for y'all, too. :)

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