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Joyce Mitchell who

Posted: Jun 15, 2015

My question:  Is she crazy??? I mean how screwed up do you have to be to help 2 murderers break out of prison?!?  And was planning to leave with them? The smartest thing she did was not show up to drive them.  They would've found her body another state or two over.  Don't they screen these people?  Plus, she was investigated for a relationship with one of them a year ago.  Should have fired her or transferred her then.  Total screw up.


Tend to agree with you - anonie

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I tend to agree with you. She should have been fired or transferred to a prison that didn't have this program to let these hardened criminals with so-called good behavior (especially murderers) have these extra privileges like different clothing, etc.

I mean prisons are to punish and these fellas would never be rehabilitated.

I heard somewhere that they had planned on killing her husband.

ahhh - the heart

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knows no boundaries. when you think you are in love, you will do anything. inmates are quite known for spewing anything and everything a naive person with a need for love wants to hear.

ahhh the heart - maybe when I was 17

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But by 51, your brain should kick in. LOL
You would - Think so but
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But unfortunately stupidity has no age restrictions. Some get worse as they get older.
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My stepfather at 90 met a blonde, fast-moving woman, and within a few months moved her in lock, stock and barrel. He doesn't include us in his life anymore. He literally went out of his mind over this painted up cupie doll. Age doesn't matter.
Everyone has a hunger for excitement, feeling loved, feeling a part of life - wheres_my_job
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Or maybe some people do. Sometimes it gets channeled in wrong direction, with possibly tragic results. "Find Happiness Safely" shouldn't be so hard - but apparently it often is.

sure hope there is a shrink in prison for her - littleoldme

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If they kill someone while they're out she's an accessory to murder. She is lucky to be alive, and I think her "cold feet" had more to do with that than still loving her husband. I also saw on NBC news website that she wanted them to kill her husband. She is one screwed up lady.

Friend who was a prison guard - understanding

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Ex-prison guard friend said that working in a prison is very strange in the boundaries with guards and inmates. Said that "lifers" basically have nothing else to do but come up with ways to mess with your mind.

When I was premenopausal I felt very fuzzy in my thinking. This lady sounds pretty vulnerable and was probably an easy mark for some twisted thinkers.

I am slightly more sympathetic, but brainwashing can be done. Thinking of Patty Hearst.

my daughter was a prison guard... - littleoldme

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She says most inmates try to manipulate just about everyone they come into contact with, into sending money, bringing them things, etc. Anyone who has worked in a prison for any length of time knows that's the way it is. Hard to imagine working in a prison for as long as this woman did and falling for it. Also, I think plotting to have someone kill your husband can't be explained away by midlife crisis. Otherwise there would be a lot more dead husbands :)

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