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Is anyone else bored?

Posted: Mar 31, 2011

It's just me and the dogs all day long and while I love working from home, not having to travel to work, worry about my hair and makeup, etc, I'm finding myself increasingly bored and in need of human contact and I am so not a people person.  I keep thinking about taking a part-time job to make some extra money and to get out of the house a little, but I can't imagine juggling this full-time job and then travel time and being required to work an additional 20-25 hours a week, or whatever part-time is these days.  I'm just so bored.  I have things that I love to do - work on my house, read, walk my dogs, paint - and I love spending time with my husband, but I feel like I have nothing in common with him besides the dogs and the house and when I try to talk to him there's nothing to talk about, which I feel is at least partly due to my lack of communication with the outside world.  I find that when I get on the phone with someone new - the bank, the credit card company, my auto mechanic - I just babble mindlessly, like I've been so quiet all day and just can't wait to talk.  Does anyone else feel this way?  What do you do about it?  I should probably mention that this is just in the last couple of months and I've been working from home for 8 years now.  Funds are kind of limited, so that keeps me from taking classes or joining a gym (not that you can talk to anyone there with everyone wearing an ipod).  I'm naturally kind of a quiet person, so I don't understand where this is coming from and what to do about it.


I feel the same way!!!! - MangosMom

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OMG I have been thinking the same thing in the past month. I realize how lucky I am to have a work-at-home job (or any job at all for that matter), but I too am bored out of my mind and long for contact with the outside world. It\'s making me a little cookoo! lol And I am totally a people person, so it\'s extra bad. I\'ve only been working from home for a year and a half and it\'s already getting to me.

re being bored - yep

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That whole email could have been written by me. I get like that a lot. I live alone with the dogs. I have lots of things that I could be doing at home when not working, I am also taking a home study course, but sometimes just cant be bothered doing any of it.

I do find that when I am broke that I am more bored because if I had money at least I have the option to go out. Also I think the weather plays a big part. At least if it is warm and sunny you can go into the back yard and feel the sun on your skin, but with long rainy, snowy winters then the boredom sets in.

What About Friends? - Old MT

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My husband and I are always gabbing with eachother on our off time, and we also have a lot friends, and we do lots of things with them. Picnics, out to eat, hang out and just gab.

If you guys don't want friends, I guess you yourself could check out your local community center or church. You don't have to get another job to be with other people. Or you can do some volunteer work here and there that requires you to work with other people.

I know exactly what your talking about - oldschool MT

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I have been an MT for 20 plus years and trust me when I tell you I go through serious phases of cabin fever in this line of work. I once worked for a company where I didn't take a day off for 7 months..not one day..and I burnt myself out so badly that it was all I could do to drag myself to this computer and sit down and type. Working at home most definitely has its benefits, and lots of people would love to do it, but at times I will admit I feel so isolated from the rest of the world. We require so much concentration and quiet time, it just gets old. I try to get out of the house when I can and as often as I can, but I find this line of work has made me somewhat antisocial...meaning we don't have to get dressed, get our makeup and hair done to go to work and now when I go out getting ready just seems like so much of a task. Maybe Im just spoiled or lazy, hell I dont know, but this job does affect us in many different ways. One thing that helped me immensely was changing my hours. I was always a first shift person, but now Ive changed to a second shift (3 to 11 pm) and I find that works better for me. We just eat dinner earlier sometimes and luckily I have a man who can fend for himself when it comes to dinner because I cannot always interrupt my shift to cook, etc. I do utilize my off time productively and try and stay busy, but I still find myself going through serious burn out spells and cabin fever. One of the changes I hate in this industry is ASR or VR...and it's been my experience that we seem to be making half the money for roughly the same amount of work. The computer can only produce exactly what it hears and I personally have taken more time editing a report than If I had just typed it myself. I think this change is a big part of my unhappiness with the industry right now. Back in the day when it was straight transcription and I was so money motivated, I could knock down 1000 dollars a week easily...now Im lucky if I make 400 or 500. But Im also a lot older now. Ive even thought about changing my career altogether, but transcription is all I know and it's what I do. Sorry to ramble, but I think we all go through this. When I started out we used IBM memory typewriters and microcassettes and there was no internet. I think us older MTs have a harder time adjusting to the modern changes in the industry because we were taught and had to learn so much differently than a lot of the younger MTs do today. I dont know, maybe Im wrong, but it seems that the younger MTs seem to grasp editing a lot more easily than the older ones like myself. Maybe it's part of the training they receive these days. I can't say for certain because I haven't been in a classroom in many years. Whatever the case may be..I do remember being totally gung ho when I started out in this business...but the times have changed and now it's just a job. I keep hoping I will get that fire back, but I just think it comes with the turf after transcribing for so many years. Sorry this was so long...I just had a lot to say...lol.

re: bored - espy

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Sounds more like you're in a funk than bored! You have to be careful that this isn't depression also. MAKE yourself get out. If you're not a big people person and not super social, join a reading club at a book store or library. They're free. If there aren't any, get yourself on Craigslist and start one! Meet at a home or at a park or a rec center.

You don't have to join a gym, get yourself to a park, take the dogs. Make it a point to chat with people as you go. Talk about a television show, your dogs, your job, yourself, just talk!

What about a hobby shop? Here our hobby shops offer cake decorating classes and floral arragements for very cheap, and they're fun!

Volunteer at a school to read to the little ones or help them do their homework in the afterschool programs. Who knows, that could lead to a job!

Don't sit at home and grow stagnant though. The more you allow yourself to do that, the greater your chances are of turning into a crazy locked up cat (or in your case dog) lady! :D

Don't mistake your boredom for depression! Go talk to your doc.


You just described me! - Backwards Typist

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But I have been home for 15 years. It's me, the dog, and DH (who spends his time in the garage). I talk out loud to myself and the dog all the time and when I do get to the grocery store, need tape to keep from talking to myself. LOL

Same here! sm - Rainy

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Recently had jury duty and actually had so much fun socializing, I looked forward to the next day in court. Pretty strange, huh?

Do you have an off-leash dog park nearby? Mine is about 35 minutes away, but I go at least once a week, at about the same time. We have a group of regulars. It is a good way for my dog and me to be around people with a similar interest (dogs).

Bored - Karen

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I got to that point in January and a friend got me a job with her in the art studio at a private school in town. I am there 3 days a week, 2 hours at a time doing art projects with 30 3 to 6 year olds. Totally love doing something that is not in my comfort zone and getting to be with kids that age again since mine are older!

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