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Posted: May 22, 2011

It was interesting this past week as I talked to a financial counselor.  She told me that $50 a week for 1 person was way over the amount that was allowed and I should not be spending that much for food...  I just could not believe it.  


$50 a week - ohiocarole

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Maybe she hasn't been in Kroger's since the 1990's or doesn't drink milk or eat meat.

Food budget - Jackie

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I have a family of 5. Our food budget for the month is $800, which breaks down to $40 per person per week. It is easily doable.

Doing it here too - Ayn

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Family of 6 here -- 3 teenage boys, 20-year-old daughter, hubby, and self. We average $50 a week on groceries AND household items (TP, toothpaste, razorblades, trash bags, pet food, cleaning supplies, etc - the "walmart stuff").

That does not include eating out approximately once a week (if you consider McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Mr. Goodcents as "eating out"), which I include in our "entertainment" budget. "Real" restaurant visits are rare - maybe once every couple of months.

We are in the KS.

exactly - Jackie

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Our "food budget" does include all the household items you mentioned but does NOT include eating out fast food or pizza, which we do approximately once a week.
Should have said - Ayn
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Sorry, got in a hurry to post and get back to work this morning. Should have said -- we average $50 per week per person, but I imagine you all figured that out :-)

And we are in the KS area, not The KS ;-)

I often wish I could figure out how to cut our food budget more. I try to avoid snack foods as they seem to be most expensive items in the grocery store, but that is very difficult with the teenagers, especially in the summer. I try, but could probably do better. We eat mostly hamburger or chicken breasts, only rarely have specialty cuts/steaks/etc. We shop for many items at Costco, and I buy store brand rather than name brand for most things. I used to use coupons when kids were young, but now I tend to go more towards store brands, sale items, and bulk.

Spending or Eating? - JL

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Are you spending $50 a week on food and eating it all? If you're spending $50 a week, but there's always food left in the frig and closets, you're not eating $50 per week. That's a big difference.

True! - Jackie

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We have just started couponing and my grocery bill will be less this month than in the months prior. I'm excited to see how much.

For the record, I'm also in Ohio.

Its possible based on quality of food - Anon

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$50/person/week is definitely not out of line and doable if you're willing to buy meat, etc. at places like Walmart (I'm not) and also get lucky on sale prices. I buy organic, only feed my pets high quality food, grow some veggies and fruit myself, and we average ~$60/person.

Meat prices - Ayn

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are also lower direct from a butcher if you have a deep freeze and can afford to purchase a quarter or half beef at a time. This is were all our better cuts of beef (and pork) come from. I do not buy meats at the local grocery stores (Wal-Mart Market, Hy-Vee or Price Chopper) either as it is all fat and half the time spoils too quickly and most is more expensive than I know I can get elsewhere.

One does not have to necessarily sacrifice quality for price - you just have to shop around a little more, cut back on the things you can, and thereby spend a little more on the things that are important to you, like organic for poster above.

Growing your own vegetables is a terrific money saver as well if you have the space to do so -- or a local farmer's market to find fresh, low-cost fruits, vegetables, jams/jellies, etc. in season - and support your local community as well.

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