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Politics Latest Messages: Medquist..

Extreme Liberals continue to show their - weakness and mental

Posted: Nov 9th, 2024 - 10:41 am

instability, especially on college campuses.  They needd legos and cocoa because they took a clear a$$ beating in the election.  The rest of us had tto suffer through 4 years of toal incompetence by the White House squatters Biden and Harris, deal with runaway inflatiion, INVASION BY LEGAL ALIENS TO THE TUEN OF MILLIONS, job stagnation, loss of wages, being force-fed nothgin but bullsh*t with the transgender garbage, paying for docttor/lawyers education while trying to survive working three jobs to pay OUR bills, constantt lies/disinformation/misinfomrationation and censorship by the loony lefties --- but they need legos and cocoa.  Shows what total idiots these marxists are.  Move to China, Russian, or the Middle East where you big babies belong -- then let us know how you "feel" when things don't go your way. 


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