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Every country in the world has rules on immigrants - and those

Posted: Nov 27th, 2024 - 9:45 am In Reply to: Extreme Liberals continue to show their - weakness and mental

rules should be adhered to in order to preserve the country in which the rules apply. Some countries have huge barriers to citizenship. That's the key word, citizenship. Unsustainable population growth can be harmful to any environment and the natural resources of any country. A mass exodus more than likely will have a great impact on the United States, but there is a legal process for every country and even those have no guarantees. The 9/11 attackers all went through some legal process and yet 2,753 people were killed in the World Trade Center, 343 were firefighters, 184 people died at the Pentagon, and Flight 93 resulted in 40 deaths. "The attacks also injured thousands of people and caused long-term health effects. More than 2,000 deaths have been attributed to illnesses related to the attacks, and nearly 10,000 first responders and others in the World Trade Center area have been diagnosed with cancer." Whether it's illegal or legal immigration, there have to be rules and rules that should protect a country. I see nothing wrong with having rules and trying to adhere to them and making changes to those rules when necessary. Biden signed an executive order on the first day of his presidency. It reversed Trump’s memorandum that excluded undocumented immigrants from the decennial census that is used to determine how many seats states will have in the House of Representatives. The interest in that situation was to the Democratic party not the interest of the immigrants. As to expanding our labor force, Biden didn’t screen people who crossed the border illegally to determine whether they would be willing and able to fill job openings. This has created a hardship in cities undocumented migrants are residing. Millions of illegal immigrants were brought here by Biden it appears so he could gain an advantage for his party in apportionment of congressional seats. Immigration is integral to every country, but every country has to apply rules and regulations. The United States is a humanitarian country. Homelessness in the United States is high. One contributing factor is the migrant crisis. Illegal immigration costs billions of dollars every year. Illegal immigrants have violated immigration laws and are in the country illegally. So how long do we coast along in our lives and believe we should all be law abiding citizens and ignore those who are not upholding the law?


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