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Every four years of a presidency is fun to watch - you people

Posted: Nov 27th, 2024 - 8:42 am In Reply to: Of course - Everything you disagree with

act as though each presidency is different. They have all seemed utterly the same with different circumstances. Some being more outrageous than others. I mean where else do you hear about the president of a country getting a blow job under a desk in the white house. In 1876, there was dispute over an election count for Hayes. Nixon bugged the white house. Kennedy was known as a womanizer. When Reagan was in office, 138 administrative officials were indicted or convicted. Biden claimed to be in the top half of his class in law school. He graduated 76th in his class. Johnson lied about a naval attack to escalate the Vietnam war. Every four years will be something to see no matter what party has been elected. People lie and that includes the president(s) of the United States.


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