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Politics Latest Messages: Citywide transcription..

Well said... - -

Posted: Oct 5th, 2020 - 3:36 pm In Reply to: You're right. That was funny. However... - sm

I so agree with your take on sense of humor and comedy. This is the "job" of the comedian - and I've heard Jerry Seinfeld say it best. You can't handcuff them by taking offense at their material. You can think it's not funny, but to make them be PC really restricts their humor.

Every late night host from Fallon back to Carson, from SNL now to SNL when Chevy Chase mocked Jerry Ford for being a clumsy moron, has ridiculed every administration as far back as I can remember. Heck, even some of the First Ladies were not immune to parody.

So, is it in poor taste? Yeah, maybe, probably. Did I find the Baldwin/Carrey debate parody funny? Yeah, I totally did. They showed Biden as forgetting his sentences and Trump's interruptions were hilarious. I think Trump would have found it funny too.

Sense of humor is important to our well being. I don't think I would have survived my cancer without it.

We have to be able to laugh at ourselves.


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