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Politics Latest Messages: Citywide transcription..

A lot of things from the first years of SNL could not - be done today. How about Garrett

Posted: Oct 5th, 2020 - 6:14 am In Reply to: Sarcasm is what - that was

Morris interpreting the news for the hearing-impaired? It was funny. Today snowflakes are just waiting to be offended.

The schools and the PC parts of the culture have committed huge crime against young people — they have robbed them of an essential part of their humanity — a healthy sense of humor, which includes an appreciation for some pretty outrageous stuff. It’s going to be a gray world if PC and SJW’s prevail.

They’re TRAINED to be triggered.

Most of the stuff on SNL now is TDS. So when they make some attempt at humor against President Trump, it just doesn't work anymore.


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