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A sense of humor is important... It sounds like the Chuck Norris meme - not a slam on Trump. sm

Posted: Oct 4th, 2020 - 4:49 pm In Reply to: Chris Rock on SNL: ‘Trump Is in the Hospital with COVID — My Heart - Goes Out to COVID’

Wasn't there a joke like that about Chuck Norris (see pic in link below)? "Chuck Norris came in contact with COVID. COVID is in quarantine for 14 days." See the similarity?

Rock didn't say he was rooting for the virus. He said his "heart went out to COVID." You only say that when you feel sorry for someone. "I feel sorry for COVID, it doesn't stand a chance against Trump."

It was a very good joke. It was similar enough to stuff the left usually says, like Michael Moore, that the liberal SNL audience didn't catch it. I'm a bit disappointed in the Pubs, I thought they were smarter and had a better sense of humor.


LINK/URL: A sense of humor is important... It sounds like the Chuck Norris meme


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