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“significant monitoring and speech control are inevitable - components of a mature and flourishing

Posted: May 4th, 2020 - 4:44 am In Reply to: Democrat controlled media equals Chinese propaganda. - Most of the media is bought and

internet, and governments must play a large role in these practices to ensure that the internet is compatible with society norms and values.”

The justification for that is the danger of “fake news” about coronavirus risks and cures.

Was the government right or wrong in its projections about the coronavirus? Was the government right or wrong in its reaction to those projections? Just what do we need to be protected from, ourselves or the government that has itself engaged in fake projections, perverse restrictions and "fake news?"

The Atlantic authors promote censorship to ensure that speech on the "Internet is compatible with society norms and values." But is it not the effect of the give-and-take within this new virtual public square to work out what "norms and values" will be for society? Will not censorship of that give-and-take stifle the outworking of our norms and values?

To censor social media to protect societies "norms and values" is to engage in a virtual oxymoron. This is scary stuff.


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