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Fascism: Democrat Fascists Double-Down in CA, IL - and MI

Posted: May 3rd, 2020 - 2:32 pm In Reply to: Democrats Want China’s Restrictions on Free Speech - Turley

Make no mistake about this: You are now being conditioned by Democrats and their corrupt toadies in the U.S. news media to accept fascism in your lives and to demean anyone who dares protest the irrational, brutish edicts coming down from Democrat governors and mayors as dangerous racists who want to kill you.

Check out this report from California yesterday. There, Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom, who on Friday shut down all of the beaches and state parks in his domain, on Saturday surrounded the state Capitol building with police fully-armored in riot gear to deal with a peaceful assembly of several thousand citizens. As the report linked above points, out, the cops arrested 31 of these protesters, most of them for not observing the Governor’s “social distancing” edicts:

‘Freedom’ protest against coronavirus orders leads to arrests at California Capitol....

LINK/URL: Fascism: Democrat Fascists Double-Down in CA, IL


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