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This is an exaggeration - Get over it

Posted: May 3rd, 2020 - 3:11 pm In Reply to: Subject: It’s not about your health! - “When the State tells you it’s

I go to physical therapy twice a week and have been since March. The garden centers are open and buying cucumber seeds or any other live plant is not a problem. In fact, the cannabis stores are open. People go to the parks and play with their kids and go for walks, they social distance and no one gets put in jail. Also open - auto repair shops, gas stations, many restaurants for delivery and curbside pickup. This is not about infringement of your rights, it is about your health. If you want your mail, benefit checks, tax refund and other services, we need to keep the government open. They have to let people get groceries, that is about your health and has nothing to do with mail in voting, which most states have had for years, long before any of this started. Some people are shut ins or unable ti drive and can’t get to the polling places.


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