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Melania - Two sides to the story

Posted: Apr 23rd, 2020 - 12:29 pm In Reply to: Oh please, stop blaming everything on race. If PBS gave - Melania Trump a show, I'm sure

If Melania had a show it wouldn’t be on PBS because The Donald would never approve it. It would be on Fox and I wouldn’t watch it. I can prove that you are mistaken about PBS not being able to survive without taxpayer dollars but it’s pretty simple to check that yourself. Actually, the majority of their finding comes from corporate grants and private foundations. Members make tax-deductible contributions and they raise funds through pledge drives. At the beginning of many shows, they usually name the corporations or individuals who made contributions, and viewers are usually named in the mix. I pledge money, which probably makes me a low life in your eyes. Perceived new bias aside, they have some of the best shows on television.


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