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Politics Latest Messages: Citywide transcription..

The First Lady, Melania, would have been a better choice. - She is a beautiful, gracious, kind

Posted: Apr 23rd, 2020 - 6:37 am In Reply to: PBS got coronavirus money, then hired Michelle Obama - for a show. Dems are okay with that

woman who loves children, speaks and understands five languages (which is more than can be said for probably 99.9999% of the jealous haters who insult her, mock her, and nitpick everything they can about her) and she can fit in with dignitaries of different foreign countries she visits without embarrassing herself or this nation.

It doesn’t matter what she attempts to do because the Trump-haters are so loud and vocal they hate simply because she is married to Donald Trump.

She came from a lower middle class family in a Communist country with little education and few options to FLOTUS. Her journey may not be a very feminist one but, she is hugely successful in life and it's a very interesting story.


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