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PBS - Two sides to this story

Posted: Apr 22nd, 2020 - 12:38 pm In Reply to: PBS got coronavirus money, then hired Michelle Obama - for a show. Dems are okay with that

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting is classified as a nonprofit organization and obtain their funding through grants, a small percentage of taxpayer dollars (about 3%) and corporate funds. Michelle Obama was hired for a weekly show reading books to children and probably isn't being paid. It is actually related to the Coronavirus because schools are closed and children still need some education. The money given to PBS was to educate the public regarding the Coronavirus and I have seen some of those announcements. I wonder if you are aware of how much money it costs to produce a TV show, it's expensive. The government can't tell them how to spend their funds, it would be like someone in DC telling you how to use your tax refund or Social Security check. People love to hate on the Democrats in this forum, but trust me the Republicans are not guilt-free either. I can't decide if people hate Michelle because of the color of her skin or if she's really done something wrong. From what I have seen, she's a great role model for a lot of people. If Melania came forward more often and offered to help, maybe she could do things like this as well. Her political agenda may be different than her husband, I don't know. As far as ratting out neighbors, my state has a hot line and people have been told to call and report businesses violating closures and social distancing orders, DeBlasio is not the only one doing this.


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