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Politics Latest Messages: Citywide transcription..

Somewhere in this raft of - rambling rhetoric and run-ons

Posted: Apr 22nd, 2020 - 6:03 pm In Reply to: PBS - Two sides to this story

Immaterial whether it's 3% or 30%--running a media operation is not what we pay taxes for. If PBS/NPR/CPB are so wonderful, let them take it to the open market & have sponsors like other outlets do.

The only ones who "hate on" anyone are the leftists. Not just here, either. For all the pretensions about "inclusiveness" and the rest, you and your fellow DemPawns beat that race drum like there's no tomorrow. Not surprising you'd toss that bomb out there--it's the Democrats who came up with the brilliant ideas of the KKK and eugenics. As for Michelle, she's a nasty, mean woman. Her skin color pales (pardon the pun) beside the poison inside her.

I'm so glad I don't have neighbors like you. I bet those hotlines and denouncing people don't go nearly far enough for you.

How about something tangible so people know ahead of time who the undesirables are? Maybe...I don't know...like a pink triangle or yellow star. You folks will come up with something. You always do.


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