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So the takeaway from all this is, 2 wrongs - don't make a right.

Posted: Oct 11th, 2019 - 7:56 am In Reply to: Andrew McCarthy Unravels The Real Russia Collusion Narrative - Former SDNY attorney Andrew McCarthy's

Pubs and Dems are both behaving badly trying to get dirt on one another. Maybe knowing that the Dems did it emboldened Trump somewhat. That's his mistake, and he's the one who is undergoing an impeachment investigation and most likely a House vote to impeach. He'll probably make it through the Senate trial okay. The Pubs could have tried to impeach Obama if they thought he deserved it, but they didn't. It remains to be seen who is going to be prosecuted in the future for their misdeeds. I hope everyone, so maybe our politicians will try to be ethical and above board in the future. We'll see how that goes.


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