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Project 2025 embraced and the lies promoted by Leftie Loons - Nothing new

Posted: Aug 2nd, 2024 - 12:21 pm

Project 2025 Shakeup – Trump Changes The Game

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Paul Dans, the head of the Heritage Foundation’s “Project 2025,” resigned in response to criticism from former President Donald Trump, who accused him of conspiring with the plan.

Launched in April 2022, Project 2025 is essentially a 900-page conservative blueprint for a second Trump administration. Trump denied involvement in the proposal and said his government would not approve some of the recommendations.

Following the Democratic authorities’ association with the conservative vision, Trump renounced Project 2025. The claim that Project 2025 is a “pro-fascism, anti-democracy” guidebook is a common talking point among Democrats.

Leaders of the Trump campaign, Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita, released a statement together in response to Dans’s announcement that she was leaving the project.

The campaign leaders declared, “We are thrilled to hear of Project 2025’s death. It should serve as a warning to anyone trying to misrepresent their influence with Trump – it will not end well for you.”

Furthermore, Julie Chaves Rodriguez, Harris’s campaign manager, said in a statement on Tuesday that “Project 2025 is on the ballot because Donald Trump is on the ticket.” This is the program that he, together with his friends, wants to impose on our nation via Donald Trump.

Trump has already distanced himself from the initiative by posting a personal statement on Truth Social.


“My knowledge of Project 2025 is zero. I don’t know who is responsible for it. Part of what they’re saying is really absurd and terrible, and I disagree with it. “I wish them success in everything they do, but I have no affiliation with them,” Trump remarked.

Following Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts’ remarks on a “second American Revolution” on Steve Bannon’s radio show, which sparked left-wing conspiracy theories that a second Trump presidency would usher in fascism and drew criticism from Democrats, Trump also made a point of distancing himself from the initiative.

In an email on Wednesday, Roberts attempted to provide a more thorough explanation of his on-air comments shortly after, stating that people “are in the midst of carrying out the Second American Revolution to take power back from the elites and dictatorial bureaucrats.”

Roberts declared, “These patriots are committed to a peaceful revolution through the voting booth.” “Unfortunately, the Left has a violent past; thus, it is incumbent upon them to permit a peaceful handover of power.”

On Monday, Roberts announced Dans’s exit from the project.

Project 2025, under the direction of Paul Dans, has accomplished all of its goals, including uniting more than 110 prominent conservative organizations to forge a single conservative vision and regaining the people’s authority from the unelected administrative state. Any future administration will be able to utilize this technology.

Author: Steven Sinclaire


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