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Further proof ComDems liars, cheaters - ...

Posted: Jul 27th, 2024 - 8:39 am

14 Million Illegal Votes – New Poll Suggest Massive Cheating in the 2020 Election

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An unusually large nationwide survey by Rasmussen Reports indicates that as many as 14 million foreigners may have illegally voted in the 2020 election. That’s more than twice the margin of Joe Biden’s fake and unproven popular vote lead over Donald J. Trump.

The results also show that 62% of American voters are worried that cheating will affect the outcome of the 2024 race. Are there good reasons to be worried? Sure. But we also have a lot of good reasons to be confident.

Rasmussen and the Heartland Institute jointly surveyed 2,466 likely voters across the US, in addition to 5,605 likely voters in the swing states. The survey asked the participants an unlikely but important question—are you a US citizen?

In case anyone is cloudy on this issue—and apparently a lot of people are—no foreigners are allowed to vote in American federal elections. None at all. Illegal aliens are not allowed to vote in our elections. Legal immigrants here on temporary visas are not allowed to vote. Long-term immigrants who obtain green cards are not allowed to vote. Foreign students attending college in the US are not allowed to vote.

There’s a simple reason for this. None of these people are members of our country. It would be insane to let foreigners vote in any country’s national elections. It’s illegal. If a million Americans showed up on vacation and decided to vote in the presidential elections in France or Germany, how do you suppose that would go over? Spread the word. It is illegal for foreigners to vote in American elections. Period.


Phew! Sorry. Got sidetracked there.

Amazingly, 5% of the survey respondents in the Rasmussen poll said they were foreigners and they voted in the 2020 election. Another 4% who voted in the 2020 election were too stupid to be sure whether they are Americans or not (which means they’re not).

Totaled together, that 9% of foreign voters adds up to 14 million votes. Joe Biden “won” the popular vote by 7 million votes, if you believe that he actually got 81 million. (Narrator’s voice: There is no possible way that Joe Biden of all people got 81 million votes.)

“I’m not accusing 14 million people of illegally voting,” said Rasmussen pollster Mark Mitchell. “I’m saying where there’s smoke, there’s fire. Somebody should check it out.”

I’ll say it if he won’t. The 2020 election was stolen from the American people through widespread Democrat Party fraud and cheating. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are frauds and were illegitimately installed into power because of a stolen election. The election was so obviously stolen that Biden was sworn in behind razor wire and 10,000 armed troops like the Generalissimo in a banana republic.

If you believe the media that there is “no evidence” that the 2020 election was stolen, you have been brainwashed. Sorry, but this is true. How did 15 of Nevada’s 17 counties end up counting more ballots than the registered number of voters? How did Pennsylvania end up having 100,000 more ballots than the number of people who voted in the election? How did nursing homes all across Wisconsin have voter turnout rates higher than 100%? Why were thousands of duplicate ballots counted on election night in Georgia after they kicked all the election observers out of the building?

I could go on and on.

Americans were rightly upset in the months after the 2020 election because, as one FEC commissioner phrased it on live television, the 2020 election was being stolen in real time, right in front of our eyes. This culminated in nearly a hundred thousand Americans traveling from all over the country to hold a peaceful demonstration at the US Capitol.

Their sole purpose in holding that protest was to ask for a pause in the certification process, so that the allegations of election fraud could be properly adjudicated. Instead, the military, the FBI, and US intelligence agencies launched the fake insurrection on January 6, 2021, which has been used to unlawfully and tyrannically persecute Trump supporters ever since.

Foreigners casting illegal votes were just one leg of the stool that was used to steal the election. That’s a problem and it will either get fixed or America will cease to exist.

In the meantime, do you really think that God spared Donald Trump from an assassin’s bullet a few days ago just to have him come in second in November?



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