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Since MT is pretty much dead... - CTMT

Posted: Jul 23rd, 2024 - 9:44 pm

...the Republicants on this board sure have plenty of time looking up all of your "fact-based" articles (I mean his word about it when he denies knowing anything at his rallies) about Trump distancing himself from Project 2025. The Heritage Foundation happens to be filled with mega Trump donors...not to mention a handful of his former cabinet members. He only began to "distance" himself from it when the horror and shock of it's plans began to surface and that the people who have donated to him and or served for him are a part of the organization are behind it.

Oh, and how about your boy, Elon who just pulled out his $45 million dollar for the next 4 months promise?

NOT to mention all of the air time for ads that T-rump purchased to hark on about Joe's age and his cognitive abilities, blah, blah, blah.

At lease Joe did what is right and passed the torch, but of course, you will all spin your yarn about that too. 

Meanwhile, you have a 78-year-old candidate, who has been convicted of 34 felonies (of course this was a Joe Biden weaponized DOJ--we know how you all spin the yarn), an adjudicated sexual abuser, a man who said that HE WOULD DATE his own daughter and that the only thing he had in common with her was S*X.

You all think Putin is the cat's meow and T-rumps admiration for him is "cute."

You all think that women should be knocked down to a second class citizen and have our rights stripped away. 

Watch out, what's coming in the not so distant future if your beloved candidate gets in is OUR voting rights. Let's face it, according to the Republican party we should be nothing but bare footed and pregnant cooking in the kitchen.

All of the women shouting at the top of their lungs for T-rump, you all are an abomination to the gender. You aren't sisters in arms, you are trying to send us back to the beginning when we had to start our fight to become heard, acknowleged and appreciated.

Oh, and a side note, J.D. Vance. You all are ralling around him and his VP candidate...lest we not forget some quotes...

‘I’m a Never Trump guy’: All of J.D. Vance’s Trump quotes that could come back to bite him - POLITICO



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