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My plan is the same as yours but it's not Medicare Advantage - Truthhurts

Posted: Oct 4th, 2019 - 8:47 am In Reply to: I love my Medicare Advantage Plan too - No Name

and they only take $105 a month from SS every month. Part B is $135 a month. NO co-pays, no deductibles. My Rx is $14 a month. I pay $1 for Tier 1&2 and $47 for Tier 3&4. My hubby pays $8 an Rx because he has a different plan for meds. Preventative screenings, eye and hearing tests are also free, plus wellness crap that I can't take advantage.

I just hate the idea that some people are paying out the whazoo because they don't know about these plans but I still think it's a pain that you need all these other plans to supplement Medicare. Medicare for all isn't going to solve that problem except take away choice.

I'm happy with what I have except for what I pay for Plan B) and I don't want Medicare for All. I'm selfish. We paid all our working life for the crappy Medicare and it would only be worse if everyone could jump in for it because it means higher taxes and less coverage. Can't have both good coverage or free healthcare. People haven't learned that from Obamacare.

There's no way they can have a plan that's better than what's out there now and the worse part of Medicare for all is there would be NO private insurance and the government will rule on what they will pay the providers and if they don't want to pay for services, you'll be on your own. What about Rx? Medicare doesn't cover any Rx. Medicare for All will probably be the same. I don't want to wait months for an x-ray, any serious tests or surgery, if approved. Government will have final say. I don't like that at all.

Sorry for rambling. It's early.


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