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There shouldn't be any uninsured people - Truthhurts

Posted: Oct 3rd, 2019 - 8:25 pm In Reply to: I know, it's fake news, science, intelligence - Must not be true

That's why Obamacare was passed. Yeah, but how come people didn't sign up even when it was mandated by law?

People want their own healthcare. They want to choose their plans, their doctors, their hospitals. They don't want the government sticking their hands in their pockets again for crappy coverage.

Medicare is crappy to begin with. It's expensive and if you don't pick a Plan B, C, D, E, F, G, H, through whatever the last initial plan is, you're out of luck with decent coverage. You need a Plan B and an Rx plan, and then if need need hearing or vision aides, you need still another plan. At least Medicare patients can keep their doctors but will their doctors keep them? Congress has forced paying peanuts to doctors.

Medicare for all is only going to be worse.


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