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I love my Medicare Advantage Plan too - No Name

Posted: Oct 4th, 2019 - 3:54 am In Reply to: I love Medicare. - sm

The govt. takes $135 out of my SS every month, and pay an extra $65 a month for a fabulous Advantage plan. Tier 1 and 2 Rx drugs are really cheap (tiers 3 and 4 aren't too bad either). I get a free eye exam yearly and money towards hearing aides if needed. I get a free membership at my fabulous local Y. I get $300 a year OTC dollars to spend at CVS yearly. All my copays are low. Preventive screening exams and tests are free. What's not to like for under $200 a month. Who's to say that Medicare for All wouldn't be as good. There isn't really any formal plan underway yet, just a lot of talk. If they tried to knock our benefits down to bare bones, I think there would be a massive senior march on Washington with lit torches. LOL.


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