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Their actual game plan is to find out if - Trump should be impeached.

Posted: Sep 27th, 2019 - 6:42 am In Reply to: The Dems actual game plan is to continue this until 2020 - thinking they will damage Trump,

AOC has been tweeting "angrily" for a long time about this president among other things and Pelosi didn't act on it. Like it or not, everybody does not feel Trump is a victim as he tries to lead everybody to believe. He gets away with so many things because there are spineless republicans who will not stand up to him and he is getting bolder and bolder with his actions. I might add that several republicans are concerned about his latest actions.

I don't know where you have been but they have been running on issues that are important to people and all polls indicate several of them could beat Trump, including Biden, who Trump attacked.

Trump's game plan is to keep attacking anybody and everybody who disagrees with him but he's getting pretty sloppy about it. Biden has been showing the most likely to beat Trump so Trump is putting out an all out effort to discredit him because he also knows Biden is the most likely to beat him. He's resorting to actions that are pretty disturbing at the very least.


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