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What a crock - me

Posted: Sep 26th, 2019 - 8:13 am In Reply to: It Will Not Be Swift - Just Beginning

You are hearing what the fake news wants you to - the president of Ukraine was on camera with Trump stating he was not pushed into anything - Joe Biden BRAGGED about his threats to Ukraine, 3 senate members, including Durbin, Menendez told Ukraine they better do what they wanted or forego any future funding from the US. Watch something other than CNN, ABC, MSNBC....if you really want the story. There is no reason to impeach Trump - for the lowest unemployment rate in history? For more blacks & Hispanics ever working? For putting America first instead of China and other country's interests? The Democrats have just ensured, and will continue to ensure for the next 13 mos, that Trump gets another 4 years in office. End of discussion.


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